Day 3

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   You woke up to a bright light, on a soft bed. Afternoon sunlight poored in through the large windows. What happened last night? Surely it was a dream... Sweet caring Vlad, a creature of bloodlust? and brother Aurel too... What about Elisabetta? Did she have secrets? Well, might as well stop asking these questions and hop out of bed to find the answers. And thus you did.

   It seemed you were in a large mansion. Shining floors, walls with gold-framed paintings, large windows. You didn't see anyone. The rooms you lookef in were mostly bare, but one had only a grand piano in the middle. "Ode to Joy" was the music. You tried to play, but sadly you weren't very good.

   "Oh my... and who might you be? Especially playing my piano! Shoo shoo! Don't be dirtying it with your finger prints!" Said a voice of German accent. A man with raven hair, a cowlick-like ahoge upon his head, a blue suit and a cravat walked in. This man's fashion sense was a bit odd for this time, he looked like he was from the 18th century!

   You moved away from the instrument after observing the man.

   "Well, who are you then?" He asked, sounding annoyed.  

   "I'm (y/n). Who are you, and where am I?"

   "I? I am Aust-erm, Roderich Edelstein. The greatest custrian composter ever to live! And you, are in my house!" Pardon your thoughts, but you were pretty sure that it was Mozart who was a great Austrian musician, not this guy!

   "Would yoy have any idea who brought me here? I was staying at a guy named Vlad's house-" "Vlad? As in Vladmir Popescu? Who lives in that creepy forest with his weird brother?" Roderich asked.

   "Yeah! Do you know him? Do you think you could take me back?"

   "Take you back?! Why ever? You should be glad Hungary rescued you, you could have been..." He examined your shoulder-neck area.

    "Ok, what is this about? Who the heck is "Hungary"? That's a country, I belive."

    "It's a.. A nickname, Elisabetta is Hungarian. And judging by the wound, you know what thing Vladmir is."

    "Yes... But we are friends! And isn't it only if you ingest the blood of a vampire you are turned, not from a bite?"

    "That is true, yes. But it must be treated nonetheless. Come." He lad you to a bathroom and cleaned the wound. While he was, the doors opened.

    "Roderich, how is she? Vlad should stop luring women, the tablets would do him good. She wasn't turned, was she?" Elisabetta asked him." "No" he replied.

    "(y/n), I personally forbid you to see Vladmir or Aurel. I tried telling you, they are dangrous. They could have sucked you dry."

    "Who are you to forbid me? You are the same age!" You retorted.

    "Believe me, I am older than I look. You would do well to listen." You saw that she was sincere. And you also saw an older woman of great importance, who had authority over you. Reluctantly you agreed. He was dangerous, he wasn't human after all. He had the power to kill.

    "Great. Now, your expected arival to your family has been delayed greatly. You car was fixed up, you best be on your way." You bid farewell, and continued on your way.

Glowing Eyes (a Vampire!Romania x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now