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I was in a dark void with Damien and Celine. Mark had stolen Damien's body and Celine's was destoryed. They both had gotten stuck in the Upside Down. Celine is angry while Damien is trying to peacefully reason with me. I agree to give them my body under false promises. I then see myself in front of the mirror. This time though, Im looking out. There stands Celine and Damien in my body. It morphs from a womans body to a mans body. And then they grab Damien's cane before walking away; leaving me trapped in the mirror.

I gasp as I break out of the vision. I finally begin to understand why im here and why i felt so connected with this place. I never fully left.

"Good job Y/n." My own voice comes from the mirror. I look closely to see a barely visible older me.
"Yes, good job." I turn around to see Dark standing there and Will being knocked out on the floor. I back away from him and closer to the mirror.
"You monsters." I say. "You stole my body!" I yell. This time their laugh is a girlish giggle, Celine's giggle.
"The manor got to me. It became one with me. And now i want your new body. This one has become weak."
Dark comes flying at me. My back hits the mirror. "Break the mirror!" A voice yells in the back of my mind.

Dark grabs hold of my neck and pulls me away from the mirror, throwing me against a wall. My body slides down and crashes into the floor. Im breathing heavily as drops of blood fall down my face. Dark walks closer to me, his aura all green with bits of red.

"I dont mean anything by it Y/n. Its just that last time we got a defective body from you." A deep and evil voice with a hint of femine touch says.
"Yes the bullet wound healed, but it made this body weak. Now i want your new one!"

He comes charging at me again. I manage to get out of thw way just in time. I get to my feet and stumble across the room to the mirror. I ball my fists and go to punch it, but he catches my hand.

"Stop playing hard to get! It was so easy to fool you last time!" The voice laughs.

I make my oppoiste hand into a fist and throw a damaging punch into Dark's skull. He lets go and takes a few steps back, gripping his head. I go for the mirror again only to get hit in my side. I almost fall to the ground, but grab ahold of the table attached the mirror.

"Give up you cursed soul!" I scream.

My fists and legs collide with any part of Dark's body that I can get to. He backs up and trips over Wilford's unconscious body making him fall to the ground. With all the energey that i have left, i sprint to the mirror and smash it with my fist. The mirror shatters, glass going everywhere.

"NO!" The voice yells.

The old me comes out and floats around me, lifting me up towards the ceiling as Dark continues to scream ear bleeding screams. I just let the past me bring me closer to the ceiling.

"Where are we going?" I ask.
She frowns. "To wait for a new and better life." I nod, excepting that this all needs to end. We're about to go through the ceiling when she stops.
"Hey Dark!" She yells. "Keep the broken body! God gave me a new one!"

Her being then joins with mine and we go through the ceiling, finally getting to find the peace that we deserved.


"Nine-teen year old Y/n L/n has been missing for two weeks now. Her Sorority Sisters said that they dropped her and two other girls off in The Forbidden Forest around ten at night. They stated that they do it for all of their initations and they have always made it back no later than a few hours after ten the next morning. Kelsey, the leader of the Sorority, is devistated and has said she'll never make another girl go into the forest again. Y/n's father doesn't seem to be too worried about her and it on trail for the murder of his daughter. Cops say that he was acting too calm about her disappearance. No body has been found so there is still hope that she'll turn up somewhere in the forest. Until then it looks like her father isnt going to be serving a life sentence in jail. We'll update you on anything new."

I click off the TV as tears pour down my face. The girls and I have been shaken up since she didnt return. Y/n was a good friend of ours and we knew that she would make it in. When she wasnt here at ten we went out looking for her. We didnt have any luck and ended up calling the police.

I cant believe her father's going to jail. Mr. L/n was a nice man and loved Y/n to death. He would never cause harm to her in any way, shape, or form. He's just too sweet of a man to even hurt a damn fly!

Before he got arrested he told me that I shouldnt worry about Y/n. He told ke that shes where she's meant to be. Yes, that did sound a bit suspicious. For some reason though, i feel like he meant in a very genuine way and not an, 'I just murdered my daughter' way. He told me that i would soon learn what happened.

Getting up from my bed, i go over to my computer. I go onto the internet and type in, Y/n L/n LA, California. Of course the investigation comes up. I scroll down farther until one thing catches my eye. I click onto the website and an article comes up.

District Attorney Y/n L/n went missing along with Celine Monroe, Mark Iplier, A man who goes by The Colonel, and Mayor Damien.

Detective Abel Kass has been fired after claiming that The Colonel and Mark Iplier's mansion killed everyone.

Police went to go investigate the Markiplier manor only to not be able to find it. Some of the officers state, "It was like the whole thing just vanished."

Sadly some think that the case will remain unsolved.

My eyes widen as I see the where the Markiplier manor was. Its the rumored mansion from The Forbidden Forest. I quickly hop off the computer and rush out the house as all my othet Sorority Sisters ask me questions.

Somethings off about

The Forbidden Forest.

The End

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