{ chapter 16 }

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Everybody in the wizarding world was talking about the self proclaimed 'death eaters'. All except Dumbledore who only evoked the subject once or twice. Witches and wizards were concerned with fear about how mad and dangerous they were. Murders rose up to a very high percentage, never seen in century. All of them feared two persons in particular. A certain Lord Voldemort and the Dark Lady. Both were partners in crime -literally- and never caused such chaos where ever they went. Lurking behind shadows inside the silent streets waiting to jump on a poor muggle born. While some of them were least cunning and got caught and thrown for life imprisonment in Azkaban, others were so sly they were never found and any evidence removed, eventually making them the most hostile ones.

Minister of magic warns against horde of Dark wizard, and urges to be alert at all times.
Head of the Minister, urges all witches and wizards, especially muggle-borns, to stay indoors and look out for any signs of abnormality, the Minister also adds that these "creatures will stop at nothing and won't hesitate to use the Unforgivable Curses."
Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry, denies any involvement in forming these dark wizards, although the majority of them went there. Hogwarts had to reinforce their security and Azkaban had to also place dementors in front and in the cells of the convicted Death Eaters.
"This is the start of a new era, followed by a war." Says an auror.
If you have any information that could help the Minister, please contact your local owlery, and mail it right away.

(y/n) sneered at the newspaper article as she sat at the table in a small stable in the countryside. Tom was oddly cooking breakfast even though on his first attempt he nearly burned the house down. "Tom, people are writing crazy articles about us," she giggled. Tom turned around and placed a plate of fresh, a little bit burned, pancakes. "Well, they don't really know about us do they?" He smiled, Tom sat down and ate with her, while he discussed the things they were going to do today. "We are going to make each a horcrux". He said calmly, (y/n) dropped her fork in surprised at stared at him, looking for any hint of joking in his face. He wasn't, he was very serious. "We?" She asked wondering who, apart from them would be making horcruxes, while Tom already made one a while ago, she didn't see why he would want to make another one. "Malfoy and Osborne. They'll be joining us later on today," Tom answered her, "meaning we'll have to kill." (y/n) looked at him and raised and eyebrow, "it's not the first time Tom".

"Theodoraaa, it's been so long!" (y/n) said as she hugged her best friend. "(y/n) We didn't see each other for three days." Theodora giggled. She went up to Tom and slight curtsy. "It's nice to see you my Lord." Tom smiled and answered, "it's nice to see my favorite people together again, please take a seat we'll get into business right away." They nodded and sat around the table. "We are gathered her today at the Gaunt family house. Direct descendants of Salazar Slytherin." He paused and looked around, nostalgia in his brown eyes. "We will all be making horcruxes today. I want you all to choose your victims and an object to conceal your soul in," he turned to the guests, "I bet you already have them?" Theodora and Abraxas nodded taking out small objects from their pockets. Abraxas pulled out an Egyptian God figure and Theodora took a pocket watch. (y/n) recognized it immediately. It was Theodora's late mother's watch. She looked as if a wave of sorrow washed her the moment she set it down on the table. Malfoy squeezed her hand gently and they glanced back at Tom.
"Lets get this over with."

It was hard to watch Tom kill his own father with his own hands, yelling through his father's gasps for air "You're a filthy muggle who didn't even care about my mother, you deserve to die you pig!". (y/n) had to calm him down and sit with him for a while. She knew Tom was cold hearted, but seizing him in pain like that hurt her so badly. She felt bad for him, growing up in an orphanage, no one to love him. But things changed and she was sure of it. She loved him.
Theodora cold heartedly kill a stray man who was stealing a farmer's fruits, and trapped her soul inside the locket, her hair then changed from night black hair, to platinum blonde hair, the ritual sucked the life out of her. "Dont you think it suits me?" She said looking in a  mirror, turning to (y/n) smiling, "everything suits you Theo." (y/n) grinned.

Abraxas, was merely done in a few seconds, killing a woman who was beating her child because, he didn't know how to tie his shoe laces.

(y/n) On the other hand was the quickest one of them all. Killing a woman by trapping her inside a fire, "that's what you get for burning witches at the stake."
Trapping her own soul inside a key.

"Alright it's been a long day. I want you all to rest, and don't worry about dying. You just checked mate DEATH." Tom said as the couple apparated into smoke and disappeared into the silent night.
(y/n) sighed as she wished she'd was with Theodora. I didn't even wish her happy birthday.
She went to kiss Tom and told him she was going for a walk alone. She needed some air, and the fresh air from the countryside was definitely helping. Passing by a small mirror in her way out, she saw the fire in her eyes, diminished, almost extinguished. There was almost as if the spark went out. Her hair was turning a foul color and her face had slight wrinkles. She looked away in disgust, and walked out the door.

Arriving at the nearby stream, (y/n) crouched down at dip her hands into the icy water. She tried to wake her magic up but it didn't work. What is wrong with me? She asked herself. Maybe I'm just tired. As she was about to get up she heard a branch snapping behind her. Calmly getting up, she turned her sight to a tall figure who was dressed in old clothes, the voice spoke in a cracked voice, "I didn't think you'd turn out like this (y/n)". She turned around looking at her feet knowing right away who it was. "It's nice to see you too Professor Dumbledore."

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