Season 1, Chapter 10 - Dog Behind Bars

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It was the next day. Eli and Theo ditched school since they both caught up with their pending homework. With no hesitation, they went towards their favorite place in town. It was a burger shop that had amazing food and was across the street. It had the best view because the shop was across an adoption center for dogs. There were big glass windows so everyone could see the beautiful dogs that played inside.

"What's wrong with you? You haven't even touched your food and you're not even looking at the husky that got adopted. Like bruh, look at him!" Theo yelled as he pointed at the husky being carried away by its new owner. "Sorry. I've just been thinking about stuff lately," Eli said with his head lowered. "That one looks cool too. I think it's a German Shepherd. He sure seems happy," Theo stated as he took a bite out of his burger. "What are you thinking about anyway?" He continued with a mouth full. "I'm thinking on why you never chew your food," Eli smiled as he glanced down towards his phone. The calendar app was opened and showed that tomorrow was the next full moon. Once he looked back up he heard a faint whimper. It sounded like a dog but it was it crying out loud.

"I hear something," Eli said as he looked up and tried to concentrate on the sound. The sound then grew stronger as if he had a compass in his mind. "Do you know where it is?" Theo asked as he saw Eli get up. "Yeah, I'll be right back," Eli said quickly and dashed out of the shop. Once he was outside, the sound faded away and then the whimper cried out once more in his left direction. "I'm coming!" Eli yelled as he ran down the street to find the sound coming from a nearby alleyway. Once he arrived, he saw a man with a wooden baton and an injured German Shepherd puppy lying at his feet whimpering and crying. "What the hell are you doing?!" Eli asked angrily as he walked towards the man. "You better get out of here. I bought it so it's mine. I can do whatever I want with it," The man said as he raised the baton over his head. He then tried to smack the defenseless puppy once more but Eli stopped him by grabbing his wrist.

"Who the hell do you think you are?" The man questioned as he turned around and tried to smack Eli. "You shouldn't call others objects. Karma will bite you in the ass," Eli said as his fangs grew out and he roared loudly in his face. "What the hell are you?" The man asked with a shaky voice as he backed away and looked into Eli's gold eyes. "Karma," Eli replied and knocked him out in one hit to the head. Once the man fell to the floor, Eli grabbed the injured puppy and saw it's very weak heartbeat. Blood was dripping from it's paws and head as he cradled him in his arms. "Eli, I came as quick as I could. What happened?" Theo asked as he slowly carried himself over to the alley. "We need to take him to an animal clinic right now," Eli muttered. "There's one two blocks away. Let's go," Theo said as he quickly started heading for their parked car.

"What the hell happened to him?" Theo asked. "A psychopath was beating him in an alleyway," Eli said as he cradled the puppy, trying to keep its eyes open. The puppy slightly sniffed Eli's hand and began to lick it happily. "We'll get you fixed up soon buddy. Don't you worry," Eli said and pet him softly. They rolled up to the animal clinic and parked outside. Eli then quickly got out of the car and bursted inside. "Please, he needs a doctor," Eli said to the front desk. "Okay, I'll notify the doctor immediately. Please come with me," She said and walked them down the hallway quickly. On the door to their right was a gentleman that seemed very familiar. He looked very shocked as he saw the condition of the puppy, "Follow me, quicky," He said and walked to the open room down the hall. "I'm going to need you to set him on the table please," The veterinarian said as he grabbed tools from the side.

Eli gently laid the puppy on the table. Once the doctor got near, the puppy began to growl softly as he didn't feel comfortable around the doctor until Eli laid his hand on his back. "You might need to stay here until I'm done. He seems to have a connection to you," The vet said. "No problem, just help him," Eli replied as Theo entered the room and sat down quietly.

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