I Feel the same

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Pony/Johnny I feel the same way two.

LastDay of school

Pony's P.O.V

The Bell had just wrung dismissing us for the summer break.I was excited not only for Summer, but also that Johnny and myself were going to the movies tonight.Tonight I was going to tell Johnny that I returned his feelings for me, he told me about his feelings towards me after he was released from the hospital. At the time I wasn't sure if I was straight,Gay or some where in the middle, but now I'm sure of what I am and I'm happy about it.

At the movies

Pony's P.O.V

We were sitting in the vary back as to not draw to much attention to our selfs, manly because there were a lot of socs there and lately they've been more hostile.I sigh quietly for like the third time.Johnny glances over at me "You alright Pony?" He whisper not to disturbed the the people in front of us.I nod my head "Yeah fine it's just that I've" I trail off getting nervous i didn't know why, I already knew how Johnny felt about me, but I was still nervous."What is it Pony you know you can tell me" he whispers trying to erasure me.I take a deep breath looking Johnny in the eyes."You know how you told me about how you feel about me?" I whisper Johnny nod his head "Yeah?" He says nervously "Well I really like you too Johnny" I whisper looking up at him chewing my lip hard.Johnny smiles it was a really genuine Johnny Cade smile you don't see those to much, but when you do there amazing. They just take my breath away, he reaches up setting his hand gently on my cheek."I'm so happy you feel the same way Pony, I was so scared you'd just push me away or shut me out." He whisper still smiling "Johnny your my best friend I could never do that to you even if I did feel the same way." He whisper kissing my cheek lightly. I grin taking his hand of my cheek and holding it in mine until the movie concludes.We leave the Movie House grinning waiting for Darry to come and pick us up.

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