Chapter 1: The Past

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(Don't play the song yet)

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(Don't play the song yet)

"Fuck!" I said with a pissed tone. How irritating! I got fired again. "UGH!!!" A loud sigh left my lips. Anger filled my face and despair left my eyes.

I was on the brink of tears but I didn't let them out. My feet led me to a place I knew would make me feel better. A place to think, a place to unwind.

"Emperor Kim's Book store." The name of the shop left my lips. The book shop where I could just sit down quietly while reading a book for free inside or maybe renting or buying a book. It was decorated aesthetically with the old 1800's look. Ornate by fancy seats and luxurious carpets.

"What do I do now?" I ask myself while opening the door of my favorite book store. I need money and Goddammit my luck keeps on failing me. Good thing that this place makes me feel relaxed and it gets rid of my stress.

I reached into my backpack to grab a pair of earphones and wore them. As they where on, I played my favorite playlist.

How unfortunate, now, I am just a kid with no parents, no money, and no luck!

I walked around to search for a book while trapped inside my thoughts until I was disrupted with the vibration on my phone. I reached out for my pocket. I gaze into the callers I.D. a smirk appeared through my face.

Here he comes, my parent.

I answer my phone without removing my earphones. Found my money!

"Yoon Y/N." I hear an old man's voice that I am very familiar with, on the other side of the call. The smile on my lips got wider.

"Father, " He is my hero, he is my angel but no, he is not my biological father but after my father died...

(Play song here)

My father is a doctor and I always come with him to work after my mother left us for another man. I would sit in the waiting area the whole time. I never felt bored because I enjoy watching all the doctors and nurses work. In fact, I became close friends with most of them but my life ended after that one day.

When I was 7 years old, there was a boy, probably 5 years older than me, with his mom who looked very rich. The boy screamed at the nurses searching for the room. The boy has expensive gold chains around his neck and a golden watch with a bracelet on his left hand. The bracelet has a carving "Jeon." I peeked to see what the commotion was all about and I saw the boy with a gun, pointing it at the nurses making them frozen and scared.

The large hole at the bottom made me realize something nobody else had. Fear caught the doctors, nurses, and patients but a gun without bullets could never scare me. I took a step forward, I realized that the gun was empty. Is the boy trying to pull a prank? I stepped in the scene and called out to him. "Little boy!" He looked at me with anger and rage "Who are you calling little boy?" "You!".

"Y/N!" I heard my father scream at me with anger, he always told me to stay out of any job they do. He stormed his way towards me. I roll my eyes at him. "And you are?" He asked the two with the same bravery I had a minute ago. You could say that we are very fearless.

"Mrs. Jeon and this is my son." The lady answered with a calmer voice unlike what his son. My father nodded as if he knew what they wanted and showed them the room. The boy still held his gun out even if his mother told him to put it down.

"Put your gun down before anyone else notices your empty brain." I said with my arms crossed making his mother laugh but made my father furious, sending a killer glare at me. At the moment I really don't wanna get scolded again. "I-I mean empty gun." He peeked and saw that his gun really was empty and I was sure he was glaring at me the same way my father is.

"And what is the name of this cute little girl?" His mother asked, which made me disgusted. Ewww!!! Cute!?! Little!?! GIRL!!! Disgusting!

"Yoon Y/N and for your information, I am not "this cute little girl" okay!?" That Jeon kid sent lasers out of his eyes as he glared at me. Although his intense eyes were piercing through my skull, I wasn't shaken. I roll my eyes at him. "What!" I shouted at him, making my father push me away.

"I am sorry about my hard headed daughter." My father apologized, pushing me out of the scene. "Get in my office we need to talk later!" He leaned down to me and whispered to me. Oh no! He'll scold me again.

Minutes later I heard gunshots "That kid playing with a gun!!!" I walk outside to see the floor pooled with blood. I ran to where my father might be. I passed by the nurses who were now dead and once I got to the room were my father was. He was on the floor drowning in his own pool of blood. I fell on my knees and cried. I didn't know what to do.

"Stop! Let go of me!" I heard the little boy scream, making me run to his room and saw him being held by a big bald man.

"Fuck off, old hairless man!" I told the bare-headed man after realizing he had no weapons. It only took one stride for him to reach me but I was able to clasp a table knife from the tray of food and cut his arm making him crutch in pain. Blood slowly dripped down. I stared at the blood, frozen.

"Hey! Girl!" The boy screamed and I quickly turned my head to him. I walked to the boy who had the gun and passed it to me. I saw the bullets were now installed and all I had to do was remove the safety so I did and pulled the trigger shooting the man's leg.

The boy held my hand, taking the gun to his hold, while his other hand was on my wrist and we both ran away. I didn't notice one of the bodies and tripped. The gun on my hands slipped and was far away. He tripped with me but he quickly recovered and pulled me back again. We were now both covered in blood.

We headed towards the elevator when another tall thin masked man pointed his gun at the Jeon kid. He does the same with that intensifying glare.

A young boy and a tall man eye to eye and pointing a gun at each other. I hide behind the kid trying to think of a plan.

"What do you want!?!" The kid asked as he yelled.

"You're dead, buddy!" The man screams at the kid.

"Same!" I screamed winking at the kid without the man seeing. "Let me shoot him." I said pointing at the kid.

"Why?" They both look at me, confused. The Jeon kid surely thought that I was going to betray him, I just hope he doesn't shoot me before this guy will.

"He gets on my nerves too much!" The tall man was about to give me the gun when the bald man saw us.

"Don't trust that kid!"

"Are you calling me a kid!" I screamed while I and the Jeon kid were running but suddenly a sharp pain pierced through my skin.

I looked at my shoulder as blood dripped out. "They shot me."


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