Chapter 18

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Ashton Lombardi POV

I woke up early and quickly got myself ready. I chose to wear my three piece suit with grey tie and light blue shirt. I gel up my hair and quickly gather my briefcase and head straight to Derek's room. 

I was expecting to Derek to be awaken already as usual but to my surprise he was still sleeping laying peacefully. The leather jacket is now full of creases since he is now hugging tightly to it. I had my full attention watching Derek's sleeping figure that I didn't realise Angelo was standing behind me. I look at him and he too was sporting a shock look on his face.

"He's still asleep? what the hell? how?" he whisper-asked me in disbelief. I shrug at him not knowing how to answer to his question myself. We made our way into the room and I sat on the bed to wake Derek up. I gently shake his body but he was too deep in his sleep that he's still remain asleep. 

"try to pull on the jacket it may work, remember when you tried that last night?" I nod at him and begin to tug on the jacket. Almost immediately Derek's body shot up and he start to bring the jacket closer and hug it tightly to himself. 

Angelo and I was shock at Derek and ended up watching Derek closely and silently. Derek started to rub his eyes to wash the sleepiness away. We waited for Derek to be fully awake before I break the silence.

"Good morning Derek" Derek jumped from hearing the sound of my voice. He placed his hand on his chest to calm down his fast beating heart. I quickly apologise for startling him and he nodded his head but he now started to sniff on the jacket. Angelo and I look at each other at that action in disbelief once again.

"Hey buddy, it's morning already you're usually awake by now. How about you quickly go take a shower yeah?" Derek nodded his head and we moved to let him get off from his bed. We were watching Derek closely still and find Derek not letting go of the jacket as he began to walk to the bathroom with the jacket tightly grip in his small hands.

"THAT is what I call attach bro! See right there! He even sniff the jacket to help him calm down from being startle by you! DID.YOU.SEE.THAT?!" Angelo whisper-yell at me emphasising some of his words to send his message across. 

"I don't know what to say" I admit to Angelo slowly.I too was surprised and speechless from seeing Derek behaving like that. He looks more and more like his age but vulnerable. What got him like that?

Angelo and I waited for Derek to come out of the shower and when he did the jacket is still in his hands. "Hey buddy, why don't you leave the jacket on the bed while you put your clothes on?" Derek glare at Angelo's words and shook his head 'no' before he walk to his closet for his kindergarten uniform. 

"Okay, I don't like his attitude he's too much like a teenager now" I slapped the back of Angelo's head before I whispered him to shut up. As soon Derek came out with his uniform on him I asked him to sit on the bed so I start asking him questions. 

"Derek can you tell me how you found Lucas and his god-mother yesterday?" I asked him gently and slowly. He nodded his head with a small smile on his face.

"I follow people to cross the road then I keep walking and found Lucas and Zizi walking. I follow and Lucas saw me." Oh, so it wasn't them found him but he found them. 

"Then what happened?" I continue my question.

"Then Zizi finish her grocery shopping and took us for dinner. We had friend chicken and chips then for desert we have this bubble looking waffles. It was yummy!" I nodded my head feeling relief that at least he wasn't harm by anyone or anything after he left my office.

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