Chapter 15

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(Am I the only one that wonders how /I/ can write was people are calling "the newsy Ninjago hit of WattPad"? Cause like I'm a crappy writer XD but hey whatever flouts your bounty dudes. (See what I did there :3) X3

Ps: THANK YOU LERAY FOR KILLING KAI *cough* andmisako *cough* XD


Kai hissed out in pain. Zane started to disinfect the wound. "This is odd."

"What?" Nya asked,

"This.... Is poison...." Zane said, "the shiriken was poisoned."

"Great! And I thought you were and annoying sister." Kai said looking at Nya who in return rolled her eyes.


"One!" Pythor hissed, "you have killed one!!"

"Calm your tits moron." Pythor glared at Abby,

"You can't do anything right can you?! Not even the poison is workin-"

"Poison? What poison?"

"I poisoned your weapons last time we met up. If that stuff hits the blood it will run threw the blood vein and to the heart." Pythor explained,


"What's this?" Wu asked, as Misako handed him the scroll.

"It's a scroll I found a few weeks back." Misako explained,

"What does it say?" Asked Garmadon,

"It says "the ninja of life and death will rise. Then soon she will fall. The ninja, though forever immortal shall die young. She will be killed by the power of the green ninja and her dark powers of death will be destroyed. Her powers of life will then seep into Ninjago and take root. Saving us all."" Misako explained,

"The ninja of life and death?" Wu uttered,

"Don't act like you can't figure out who that is." Misako smirked, "just think about the other kids of ours. Lloyd, Kai, Nya-"

"Abigail." Wu said looking out the window.

"I would believe so." Misako said, Wu sighed.

"Our father would tell us about a goddess with the power to give anything life and also the power to bring the dead to life as if they had never died." Garmadon said,

"And that she would use her powers to protect humanity from the god of death." Wu continued,

"Well looks like we have a ninja to train." Misako smiled, then her smile than faded. She began to cough violently.

"Misako?!" Garmadon asked, Wu called for a nurse. Hidden eyes looked upon the moment that seamed to happen to fast but slow motion as well. She was dieing. And if what Pythor said was true. There was no cure for the poison that would slowly make it's way into every inch of your system and then violently attack you all at once. A tear slipped from one of the looking eyes. Misako saw her and looked right into her eyes. At that moment Abby could never have been prepared for the pain in her heart that suddenly zapped her. She fell off the side of the hospital window on the third story. She landed on her knees and hands. She sat there crying. Why was she crying for a woman she had never even knew let alone met. But there she was on her hands and knees. Tears flooding from her eyes. This was the first time she had cried this much since John had died. She always held back sadness and anger. These showed weakness. But here she was balling. And as much as she tried she couldn't stop. Her heart hurt so badly. She didn't even know the name of this woman that she had killed. But that look. It was not if anger. It was not of fear. It was love. If what that old tea bag, Wu, had been telling the truth. Then that woman was her aunt. But how could an aunt have so much love for a niece she never knew. For a niece that takes joy in killing her and her family. Abby sat there for almost thirty minutes sobbing.

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