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((I'm just gonna say this: the Japangese is most likely wrong but I am still learning so I tried my best ^^'))

"Is she gonna be ok?" Nya asked Garmadon,

"I don't know honestly." He sighed softly. That's when the dark haired female walked out of the bed room her and Nya shared.

"Show me my destiny." She said with a soft cracked voice. They looked at her. "That is my wish. Please." Garmadon nodded and left with her in tow.


They all sat at the tabe, Garmadon had a scroll open. "What does it say?" Zane asked,

"That's the problem, the only person I ever met that could read one of these was Misako." He sighed, Abby took it and turned it toward her.

い い かうり
と ふ ま
し て す

""The Ninja of life and death must die and let go of her powers of death and let her powers of life take root."" Abby read.

"Wait you can read that?" Garmadon asked a little shocked.

"Well yeah." She shrugged,

"But the language of our ancestors was lost years ago." Zane said, "even those that can read can't read it fluently." She shrugged again.

"Wait who's the ninja?" Nya asked,

"Did they mean Lloyd?" Kai asked,

"No cause it said her." Lloyd replied,

"Typo?" Jay joked,

"I highly doubt it. The scrolls were written by a goddess so they say." Garmadon explained, he then looked at Abby and looked into her eyes as if sending her a message. "Me, Wu, and Misako have been looking into this a bit. And... We have found... The ninja..." Zane then looked at Abby then back at Garmadon.

"No." He said, the others looked at them and soon realized what was going on.

"Wait.... So Abby?" Kai asked a little confused.

"Yes." Garmadon replied,

"That would make since. That's why when she dies she always comes back." Nya added, "what's all that mean though?" She asked pointing to the little picture around the Kanji. There were colored ninjas with colored swords. In the middle was a pink ninja with a sword above its head. This sword was multicolored.

"That is the other thing. Like you said Nya, she can't die." He stopped then continued, "normally anyways. Truly only the full potential of the green ninja can kill her."

"But Lloyd ha sent reached his full potential yet!" Cole said,

"But I gained my golden power." Lloyd shrugged,

"You have one more level to gain full potential. You have elemental full potential but your power of light is not at it's peek yet." Zane spoke, Lloyd only replied with a simple "oh".

"That is why there is another way." Garmadon said earning the attention of those in the room. "Your elemental blades have a secret power. If you use the same technique that you use for the tornado of creation with your elemental swords, theoretically, it will create a mega elemental sword that has the power of the green ninja just at full potential."

"Meaning it would have the power to kill me." Abby said bluntly as if that was a normal thing to say.

"There has to be another way." Zane tried to reason. Abby shook her head.

"I'm sorry Zane." Garmadon said before Abby could.

"But I-" Zane was cut off by Abby's hand on is chin pulling him to look up at her. Her face held a stone cold glair but her eyes showed fear and sadness. But also love.

"Listen here bolt for brains. I'm not gonna have a sappy romance movie moment with you. I will not tell you everything's going to be ok because it's not. And I'm not gonna lie to you. Ninjago is in danger. Now we're gonna kill me. It's gonna hurt like hell. Your heart is gonna be ripped to shreds. And no your not gonna be ok. I don't think anyone on this ship will be. Not for a long time. But not only do I have to do this for the good of Ninjago, but if you only knew about the things I've done since I was six you would know that this is what I deserve. This is how I make up for all the bad things I've done in my life. This good deed may just get my rear end forgiven by whatever strange force that will hopefully send my ungrateful rear to heaven. Zane. Get over it." She said then went back to her set. Wide eyes looked back and forth between the two. She then gave him a smile. So many emotions held in that one smile. A smile more real and truthful then anything she had ever done. "Let's go." She said then left. They followed her out into the woods the bounty was by. They had grabbed their blades. Abby then went around saying good bye.

She first hugged Nya. "I'm glad I had a sister even if it was for just a short time." Nya sniffled,

"No, I'll always be your sister even after death." Abby smiled, she then left to hug Cole.

"Your a ninja from here on out." He said,

"Why do you say that?"

"Because assassins don't give there lives for the good of man kind." She just smiled, "Earth!" Cole yelled as she threw his elemental blade into the sky. The handle combusted and the blade turned into a sharp looking ball of energy. Abby went up to Jay and fist bumped him.

"Your one cool chick." He smiled.

"So are you."

"Thanks I- hey!" Jay yelled when he realised she just called him a chick. She giggled. "Lightning!" Jay yelled and his blade did the same as Cole's.

She went to Kai and hugged him tightly. No words. He didn't know what to say. And she didn't want to ruin the moment. Abby then put a hand on his shoulder, the one that the poison had entered in. A white glow emanated from her hand and Kai smiled. "Fire!"

Then she went to Zane. She was looking down at the ground when she approached him. She looked up to show that she was crying.

"Your crying." Zane pointed out.

"Well disproving most peoples beliefs I am human." Abby smiled, she then hugged him tightly.

"Ice!" Zane yelled, then the other three energy balls came to his blade fusing with it. The blade then fell back into Zane's hand. Abby kissed him for a moment then looked back up at him.

"Zane promise to do one thing for me?"

"Anything." He replied, Abby leaned into him and whispered into his ear. When she was done she hugged him slightly then nodded. With one swift move he took the blade and thrusted it into her back. Her eyes widened as her hand gripped him tightly. Then slowly her grip lessened as her body went limp in his arms. Her body started to turn to black and whit dust. The black dust disappeared as soon as is appeared. The white dust turned into a ball. It slowly floated to Zane. Half of it slowly absorbed into him the other half jut floated in front of him.

"I know what we have to do." Zane said grabbing the glowing ball. Zane then ran off followed by the others. He ran to the centre of Ninjago City where they had defeated the over lord. He then knelt down and the light energy slipped into the ground. Then the ground under their feet began to glow brightly as all the vegetation glowed with life. Such a beautiful shade of green. Then where Zane sat, a small tree began to grow out of the ground. A tree like nun they had ever seen before. The leaves sparkled, a golden shine emanated from the bark. It was beautiful. Zane knew jut from looking at it that the tree in front of him was Abby. Her soul manifested into a tree.


"Hello, my name is Zane I'm calling on behalf of Abby."

"Yes hello! I was just calling to make sure that the three kids got back to school safely."

"That's great thank you very much."

"You to bye." Tears flowed from his eyes as he carried out her final wish.

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