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Annabeth POV
I was fighting an emposa and two hellhounds when Bob showed up.

"Bob! " I screamed over the roaring of monsters. That was probably one of the only times I was happy while I've been stuck in this literal hell hole. The Titan smiled and began shining his sword at monsters in every which direction and swung his spear in my direction and wiped out all three monsters racing in my direction.  Suddenly all the monsters turned their attention in one direction to something behind me. 'Percy' I thought. I turned around. Monsters had surrounded him. He had collapsed on the floor. "PERCY" I screamed.  He had overworked himself... Again. I ran towards him he was barely holding on to life. "Don't u die on me seaweed brain" I said tearfully. I was so worried about Percy I barely noticed the waves of monsters heading towards me. Luckily Bob(the Titan) had jumped behind me and cleared all the monsters from behind me in one sweep of his spear.

"Thanks" I said. Bob gave me a pained smile obviously fighting these monsters were getting to him as well. I directed my attention back to Percy. I check his pulse he was alive but barely we had to get him out of here soon or he would'nt be. I tried pick him up but my arm was injured from battle. Pain curled through my body like an ignited flame

"Gah!" I screamed grasping my arm. Instead Bob picked him up and carried him. We bolted. Through the waves of vicious hellhounds,emposa,and fury towards the doors of death.

We had finally reached the doors when Bob gave Percy to me and pushed us into the doors.

"Bob!" I yelled over the roars of monsters"what are you doing you'll die if u stay!"

"Someone must hold the button for 12 second for the trip to the surface to be made" he said

By now tears were pouring down my cheeks. I wanted all of us to get out of here alive but by the time I opened my mouth to speak the doors where closing and that was the last time I saw Bob


I teared up just writing this OMG Bob Y
Now I know how Rick felt everytime he cliffhanged us 😢

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