II 💜

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"Ary!" I hear a shout as I step into the classroom. I look across to the back of the classroom.

Holly, my best friend, is waving at me, a wild grin on her face.

I smile and wave back then jog over to her. She's sitting on a table and surrounded by our other buddies, Adrian Goldfield, Leon and Lou McCurby (twins).

"Sup, Lary. How ya been," Lou says as soon as I get to them.
"Yeah. How ya been. You looking good," Leon says, faking an accent that makes him sound like a lovesick cowboy.

I follow up my cue.

"Ah been good ya know. Yeah there was some shit but ah been re-al tough right here," I say and pat my right bicep.

"Oh she grew the muscle," Adrian coons.

"Yass. Took me a bit long, some extra working, but ah sure grew them muscles." I smile and pat my bicep again.

Holly bursts out laughing.

"I can't believe I'm friends with total loons. C'mere you guys," she says and pulls us in for a hug.

"Don't ever leave us and go off to Paris again. I can't believe how much I missed you," I say.

She hugs me again. "I missed you too."

Holly had travelled to Paris, during the summer holiday, with her mom and older sister, Brenda. She only just resumed today which is the start of the second week since the school re-opened.

"Hey, you guys met the new guy yet?" Adrian asks.

"New guy?" Holly quips. "There's a new student?"

"Yes siree, there is," Lou says.

"We talked to him," Leon adds.

"Yeah. Actually I did the talking. These two just goofed around," Adrian says, "and he's pretty cool. Like re-al smooth. He says he transferred from a school in Brooklyn. I invited him to our table today during lunch."

"Don't you think we're already too many at our table?" I ask.

"There's still room for one," Leon shrugs.

"Plus, Miranda doesn't get to have him this time. Score one for our table. Zero for hers," Holly says.

Miranda was Holly's self acclaimed enemy. And trust me the hatred was mutual. Miranda hated Holly mostly because she was a lot popular than her. Which wasn't so before.

Change is constant, after all. Miranda just has to deal with that.

"Butterface is coming," Lou says and we all scramble to our seats, immediately. We all knew Miss Butterface. She literally hands out detentions.

"It's not Butterface, Louis," Leon says as she enters the class. "More like Buttface."

Miss Butterface hears it and turns towards the class.

Leon pretends to be searching for something in his bookbag while Lou focuses on a tiny splinter on his table.

I try to control the laughter that's forcing it's way out of me. Seriously, the friends I have.

"Hello class," Butterface says before scribbling the topic on the board.


I'm panting as I race round the tracks with the other girls. Sweat runs down the bridge of my nose and drips to the floor. I wipe my forehead to prevent sweat from getting into my eyes.

Gym class. Second period right after Trigonometry.

I hate gym class and I hate how my gym outfit is on me.

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