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"I'm expecting all your essays by Friday tomorrow," Mr Fincher, our AP English teacher and lacrosse coach says fixing black, beady eyes on us, "Failure to do so might result in you not graduating. At least not this year."

The class let's out a series of boos.

Mr Fincher waves it off with a sweep of his hand saying, "Boo yourselves you bunch of slackers. You don't do it you don't graduate," just as the last bell for the day goes.

"Class dismissed. Now scuttle outta here. All of you," he says as he walks back to his desk.

I'm pushing my textbook into my bookbag when I hear him call my name.

I look up.

"Except you Spivot, you remain," he says looking directly at me.

"Did I do something?" I ask hurriedly zipping up my bookbag, flinging it over my shoulders and standing up.

"Come here, Spivot," he says gesturing with his hand.

By now the whole class has left. God, I hate this...

"Is it my grades?" I ask.

I know...I'm already regretting signing into AP English class.

"Or, I can't join the lacrosse team?" I ask dreading whatever he has to say.

Please, please let it not be any of the above.

"Yes, it is your grades, Spivot," he says fixing his gaze on me.

My shoulders slouch. I can literally hear him in my head... "and because of your grades being so poor I can't let you be in the lacrosse team as it will take all your time and concentration."

"Basing on the few tests we have taken, Spivot, all I can say is that your grades have been generally not good. Now what do you intend to do about that?" He says.

There's a short silence between two of us as I don't say anything.

"Are you sure you want to be in this class. I mean, you could always drop out," he says, raising his eyebrows as he speaks.

"I'm not dropping out," I say almost immediately. "I can't."

"Then how do you intend on passing this class, Spivot?" He asks, and runs a hand through his wavy-but-thinning ginger colored hair.

"I'm studying," I shrug.

He scoffs. "You tell me you're studying and you get a D+ in your last test. Studying with who exactly?"

"Myself," I answer nonchalantly, "and sometimes Holly."

"Holland Lindsey huh..." he says then trails off. "Well then, study harder."

"Yeah," I say. "I guess I'd have to."

"That's not the only reason why I called you Spivot," he says just as I make to go, my hopes on getting into the famous lacrosse team of the whole of Oak Hill High and Oak Hill itself dashed.

"Okay, but I really have to go now, so..." I'm saying when he cuts in.

"I'll make it snappy," he says, "so, I can't allow you into the team..."

Oh no. Please no.

"...because it'll only distract you further..."

"No it won't, trust me," I cut in desperately.

"Look, Mr Fincher, this is my dream. From way back freshman year when I watched a match between our team and Kings Spring college. You remember the match, don't you? I had been more than happy to know girls could play lacrosse too. I'd even been practicing for it. You can't tell me that I can't join the team now," I say.

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