Day of the Storm

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(Yoongi POV)
"It's pouring outside! Where is Kat?!" I frantically say to Namjoon.
"She said she was on her way from the shopping district. I'll text her again and see if she needs help or anything." Namjoon explained.
I hope she's alright. I feel like I should go look for her.
As I'm staring out the window Jin comes up to me and says "let's give it a couple more minutes and then we will go look for her." I nod along with that decision.
Ten minutes pass since Namjoon asked her if needed help and we haven't heard anything. He even tried to call her but it went straight to voicemail. So here we are all getting our coats and masks on and umbrellas ready to search for her.
"I'm gonna go run ahead guys. I'll call if I find her" Kookie said as he was heading out the door.
Jimin and Taehyung were teaming up and left after Jungkook.
"I'll come with you Yoongi Hyung." Hoseok told me. "Alright Jin and I are ready and leaving. Call if you find anything" Namjoon announced as me and Hobi we're finishing up.
"We should check the park that's on the way here from the district" Hobi said while we were running towards the shopping district area.
That was a good idea since the others were searching the shops and restaurants around the district. We got to the park and started checking the playground and picnic areas and found nothing.
I notice there were some trees surrounding a public restroom.
"Hobi let's check those restrooms!" I said and stated running toward the shabby looking building.
"She probably won't be in the men's side huh?" Hobi asked and I nodded and walked toward the Womens side.
"I'm just gonna go in and check real quick. Yell if any girls come to use the toilet." I say to Hobi as I walked in.
I heard crying from one of the stalls and called out "Kat are you in here?"
She slowly opened the stall door and peeked to see who it was. As soon as she noticed it was me she hugged me so tight. I was kind of shocked at the sudden touch but glad she was ok so I hugged her back. She's pretty wet and cold so I'll hold her a bit longer.
"Hoseok she's in here! Tell the guys." I called out to Hobi and he came running in.
"Oh my god I'm glad she's alright! I'll send out a group text now!" Hobi excitingly said.
After he sent the text I told him that she was pretty cold. I took my coat off and put it on her and Hobi did the same.
"I'm so sorry guys! It was raining and I noticed this building and as I was running here I dropped my phone in a puddle." Kat explained while tears were still falling.
I decided to hug her again and Hobi followed. We had her sandwiched but she was cold so hopefully it warmed her up.
"Yoongi hyung Hobi hyung are you in there!" We heard Tae yelling outside.
"Ya we are all in here!" I yelled back and they all ran in.
"Kat I'm so glad you are alright!" Jin said.
I noticed Hoseok stopped hugging her so I decided to let go also even though I didn't want to.
"You all went looking for me?!" Kat asked in shock. We all nodded.
"I'm so sorry! I just wanted to get you guys some presents for being so nice to me." She said as she was looking down.
I could tell she was crying more but Tae, Jimin, and Jungkook squished her into a big hug that made her giggle.
"It's ok noona... We have you now!" Jimin said softly.
It didn't look like the rain was going to let up so we decided to run back home before it got any worse. "I'll take these bags for you Kat. Thank you for getting us all these nice snacks!" Namjoon said as we were leaving the restrooms.
Kat was very hesitant to leave so I grabbed her hand and said "it's ok. I'll hold your hand until we get there." And she nodded.
I really liked holding her and I knew that was bad. I could feel a small crush developing but I can't let this feeling get any stronger. The sky rumbled and I felt her grip tighten. Which made my heart tighten. This is going to be harder than I thought.
We got home just in time before the lightning and thunder started really going.
"Kat you should take a warm shower." Jin said and she agreed.
The rest of us changed into our pajamas since we weren't going anywhere for the rest of the day. I went back into the living room and saw all the guys gathered at the table looking through the snack Kat bought us.
"Kat is such a nice girl! I really like her around." Jimin said happily and we all nodded in agreement. "Since she has her swimming clothes now maybe we should swim tomorrow if it's hot enough and not raining!" Taehyung said.
Jin chimed in "let's have a bbq/picnic party after swimming!"
Sounds like it's going to be an eventful day tomorrow I thought to myself as the flickered on and off. We all froze and stared at each other. Then the power went out and I immediately got up and ran toward the bathroom where Kat was showering. The guys followed behind me with their flashlights shinning out of their phones.

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