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(Kat POV)
Well it's the last week of August now and the boys are as busy as ever. After our England trip they got their schedules for September. So now they are holding meetings and working on their music and dancing like crazy. I do as much I can to help out where ever I can but I also try not to get in the way.

We are all home at the same time today so we decided to have a fun night together since it's been awhile.
"Alright Jin, what are we doing for dinner tonight?" I ask as I walk into the kitchen.
"I don't know yet. I was hoping everyone would be ok with take out." He shrugged.
"I'll go ask around." I replied walking toward the living room.
"Hey guys. Jin wants to know if take out is good for dinner?" I asked Tae and Jungkook. They just nodded and said it was ok. They were too focused on their game to really care.
"You guys know where Jimin and Hoseok are?" I asked
"Jimins at the dance studio practicing." Tae informed me.
"I think Hobi hyung is there with him." Kookie shrugged.
"Alright thanks guys."
I walked back to kitchen and told Jin that Tae and Kook were fine with whatever.
"I'm sure Yoongi won't care either. I'm letting him nap right now so I'm sure he'll be happy with whatever when he wakes up."
"Cool. I'll text Hoseok and Jimin and see what they say. Thank Kat!"

*couple hours later* (Yoongi POV)
We are sitting around the fire pit outside just chatting and goofing around. I have my arm around Kat while she plays Majoras Mask on her 3DS.
Jimins getting a bit drunk while Tae is trying to tell him to slow down.
Hobi was showing Kook some dance moves.
Jin is trying to get Namjoon to slow down on the drinking also.

"Maybe we should all go to military at the same time!" Namjoon randomly announced loudly.
Kat paused her game and look up at him.
"Yoongi told me what you said Kat." He slurred his words a bit.
"Hyung what's going on?" Kookie asks Namjoon as he comes closer to the rest of the group with Hobi behind me.
"Kat told Yoongi hyung that it would be best if we all went to military at the same time." He said louder than he needed to.
Kat stood up from her lawn chair and went over to Namjoon.
"You're right. I did say that. But that is probably something for you guys to discuss while sober and thinking clearly. Right Namjoon?" She said in a weird stern motherly type voice.
It kind of made everyone tense up. Like we were in trouble or something.
"I'm sorry Kat. You're right." He got up from his chair to face her.
"I'm sorry too. I didn't mean to sound angry like that. This is just a tough topic for me lately." She put her arms around Namjoon and hugged him. He nodded and hugged back.
After their little hugging session I got up and pulled Kat back to me and hugged her also.
"Are you ok?" I whispered
"Ya I'm ok." She squeezed me hard and then released me to sit back in her chair.
"Well..... you guys want to go in and watch a movie?" Taehyung suggested trying to lighten up the mood.
We all agreed and got up to clean around the area we used.

We were in the house getting the living room set up with snack, drinks, and blankets.
"Alright. What are we watching?" Kookie asked
"The scariest movie we can find." I suggested with a teasing smile knowing the reaction I'll get.
"NO!" Kat, Jin, and Hoseok all yelled at the same time. Making everyone else laugh.
We ended up watching a Korean comedy with English subtitles for Kat.

(Kat POV)
The next day the guys had to go to the studio at noon for some work. I decided to tag along so I could get out of the house for a bit. If I got bored at the studio I could just go to the coffee shop across the street that I liked.
I followed Yoongi to his studio and watched him work on music for a bit. But I got kind of bored after a while.
"Yoongi? I'm going to go get a coffee. You want anything?" I tap on his shoulder and ask him.
He took his headphones off , got up, and stretched a bit.
"I'm sorry. What did you say?" He gave me a apologetic smile.
"It's ok. I know you're working hard and wanted to know if you wanted a coffee or something? " I give him a small peck on the cheek.
"I love you." He pulls me in for a full kiss on the lips.
I broke away after a few seconds.
"I love you too." I smiled and poked his cheek "Did you want anything from the coffee shop or not?"
"Ya. Surprise me. You know what I like." He said while getting his wallet out.
"I got it. Don't worry." I pushed his wallet away.
"Just use my card. And actually use it this time. I checked my card statement last time I sent you to the coffee shop and noticed I didn't get charged." He made a face of dispointment and I just laughed.
"Oh man. You figured out my secret ways of taking your card but never using it."
"Use it this time or else"
"Psh or else what?"
"I don't know.... I'll tickle you, make you watch a scary movie, make you ride a roller coaster, leave you in a dark room by yourself —"
"Ok ok. I'll use your damn card" I huff and roll my eyes. "Jerk."
"You know you love me." He says sweetly grabbing my hand.
"Ya. Unfortunately." I said but couldn't help but laugh.
"Just kidding I love loving you." I said
"I love loving you too." He kissed me.

After I got our coffees I came back to Yoongis studio but he wasn't there. I pull out my phone and text him.
Me- Where are you?
Yoongi- Hitman Bangs office. I'll be back in a bit.
Me- Alrighty.
Well I'll just wait here. Good thing I brought my DS.

(Yoongi POV)
"Alright guys, why did you call this meeting?" Bang asks us.
"Well sir. We've been thinking about our military services." Namjoon speaks up.
Bang just raises an eyebrow.
"We know Jin and Yoongi hyung will be going in November and well..." Namjoon stopped talking.
"It's ok Namjoon. Whatever you have to say I will listen and support." Bang gave a reassuring smile.
That gave Namjoon a bit more confidence.
"Sir we all talked as a group and we decided we all want to go to the military at the same time." Namjoon finally said what we came here to talk about.
Jin grabbed his hand to show his support.
"Ah I see." Was all Bang could reply with.
Now it was silent and all of us had our heads down. I decided to speak up.
"We just feel like it would be best if we all went together so we would have some comfort knowing we were still near each other." I said
"And it seems right to just get it all over with at the same time instead of each of us going at different times." Jin added.
Bang stood up and looked around at all of us.
"I can't believe how grown up you kids are now a days." He said wiping a tear away.
We all stood up and bowed.
"I agree with you guys. It would be best for you all to go at the same time. We have a lot of planning and work ahead of us because of this though. Now come here for a group hug"
We all piled into a group hug along with some of our other close managers.

"Well that went well." Hoseok said as we left Bangs office.
We all nodded in agreement.
"What's Kat noona going to do when we are all gone?" Kookie asked sadly.
All the guys looked at me and I just shook my head.
"I don't know. But we should probably tell her the plan tonight.
Damn. I didn't even think about what she would do while we all went and did our serving.

I know how I'm ending this story. So hopefully within the next couple weeks I can get out the last few chapters. Thanks for reading this story. I'm sorry if it sucks or drags on too much. I'm actually surprised I even tried writing a story because I'm pretty lazy haha.
💜💜💜 I love you 3000.

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