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(Kat POV)
These last couple months have been crazy busy. The boys worked so hard to deliver their last content before military. Their new album is amazing and beautiful. They have done a few interviews and talk shows here and there. Now they are using the next couple weeks as free time before they leave.
"Kat will you go with me to visit my family in Daegu?" Yoongi asked me.
I've met and talked to his parents through FaceTime a few times before but it would be nice to see them in person.
"Ya I'd love to!" I reply and give him a hug.
"Good because I already got you a ticket." He chuckles and kisses my head.
"Psh what if I said no?!" I playfully hit his arm.
"Then I would have asked someone else I guess." He teases back.
I just glare at him and ask when we are leaving.
"Tomorrow." He says while getting comfy on the couch.
I gasp a bit. I need to pack!
"What's going on tomorrow?" Jimin asked as him and Tae walk into the living room.
"Going to visit my family for a few days." Yoongi replies.
"Sweet we are heading that way also!" Tae says excitedly.
"Then to Busan after we spend a couple days with TaeTaes family." Jimin says proudly.

Awww I'm so happy everyone gets to be with family during this time. Jin and Namjoon are making their rounds to family already and Kookies already in Busan. Hobi is staying with his sister for a bit and then they are going to make their way to their hometown. They all deserve this happiness.
"Noona are you crying?" Jimin speaks up, bring me back from my happy thoughts.
I blink and felt a tear go down my cheek.
"Uhh ya I guess I am. I'm just so happy everyone gets to be with family." I cry laugh a bit.
Yoongi gets up and pulls into him. Tae and Jimin get in on the hug action also.
"What time do you guys leave tomorrow?" Tae asks Yoongi.
"8am." Yoongi replies.
"YAY US TOO! We can go to the airport together!" Tae squeezes us harder.
"Ok TaeTae lets go finish packing." Jimin pulls Taehyung along.
"We should pack also." I say pulling away from Yoongi.
"I want to nap though." He whines a little.
I look at the time to see it's almost dinner time. This kid can stay up a bit longer.
"Babe, you can sleep after dinner. Let's go pack, eat, then sleep" I rolled my eyes at him.
"Fine mommy." He pouted back.
"Is baby Yoongi giving me attitude?" I start to play with him a little.
"I'm an adult." He says in a serious tone.
I just laugh "riiiiight" *wink*
He gets up and sneaks his arms around me from behind.
"You want me to show you how much of an adult I am?" He says seductively and kisses my neck. I shiver at the touch and nod.
"Alright well I'm going to go pay some bills and eat my veggies while talking about the good Ol days." He walks away with a doofy smile on his face.
"Min Yoongi you dork!!!"

*time skip*
(Yoongi POV)
It was nice visiting my family and all but I'm glad to be home and cuddling in my own bed with Kat. I ordered her engagement ring a few weeks ago and finally got the email saying I could go pick it up. So that's what I'll be doing this afternoon.
*knock knock*
"You guys going to wake up for breakfast any time soon?" Jin pokes his head in slowly.
Kat starts stretching out then sits up. I pretend I'm still sleeping.
"What time is it?" She asks grabbing her phone.
"Like 10am." Jin says.
"Ok I'll wake him up then." She replies and Jin leaves.
"Lil Meow Meow its time to get up." She pets my hair.
I Meow at her and she giggles.
"Come on kitty. I'm hungry." She tries to pick me up.
She is pretty strong so she probably could do it. I'm going to test it 😏.
"Carry me." I say holding my arms out.
"Being a baby again I see." She teases but still goes to pick me up.
She puts one arm under my knees and the other behind my neck. Bridal style.
"Ok you can put me down, I just wanted to see if you could do it." I try to wiggle out of her grip.
"Nope I'm carrying you out to the kitchen now." She laughs evilly.

"Did you really make Kat noona carry you out here?!" Hobi bursts out laughing. Jin turns around and laughs just as hard.
"I just wanted to see if she could carry me!" I defend myself.
"Catch Kook!" Kat says and pretends to throw me to Jungkook. He was ready for it to. I'm sure he would have caught me if she really threw me.
"Ok ok put me down now." I said getting kind of nervous.

(Kat POV)
Yoongi said he had some errands to run after breakfast. So I'm just sitting here playing Nintendo Switch games with the maknaes and Jin.
"Seems like the rappers are a bit busy today huh?" I ask.
"Well Hobi hyung said he was going to dance for a bit." Kookie said.
"Joonie wanted to work on some stuff at his studio." Jin sighed. "He just wants to make sure he leave anything unfinished."
"What is Yoongi hyung doing?" Jimin asked me.
I shook my head "I don't really know. Just said he had an errand to run." I shrugged.

Later that night we decided to have a big dinner outside since the guys leave in two days. We were having fun listening and dancing to music, eating good food and just enjoying each others company.
I'm talking with Hoseok and Kookie when all of a sudden I hear Jin yell "REALLY?!"
"Shhh calm down!" Yoongi scolds Jin.
I look over at them with a suspicious looks and Yoongi just smiles back like everything's fine.
Hmmmmm ok??? I go back to doing what I was doing.
A couple minutes later a slow Korean song starts playing and Yoongi asks me to dance with him.
"Uhh ok?" I take his hand and we start slow dancing.
"This is awkward. I haven't danced with anyone since like middle school." I chuckle a bit.
"Man that was back in the 70s right?" He Jokes.
"Dude! You're older than me!"
"By like 3 months."
"Ha ya we are getting oldddd." I joke back.
The music gets quiet and I look over at Namjoon questioning why he turned it down. I also see all the guys staring at me and Yoongi with big ass smiles on their faces.
"What the heck guys?" I question and they just keep staring.
I turn back around to find Yoongi getting down on one knee.
"Oh my god don't do this." I hide my face in my hands dying of embarrassment.
"Kat, I know you already agreed to marrying me but I have a ring this time and want to do it the "right way"." He grabs my left hand. "I love you so much, forever and always, will you marry me?"
The guys are freaking out in the background and I can't help but laugh. I tackle Yoongi to the ground and kiss him to make it more dramatic just for them.
"Yes I will marry you!" I say and he puts the ring my on my finger.
We all celebrate the night away.

Sorry this story is lame. I suck haha. Thanks for reading though.

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