Attack on Bangtan

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(Kat POV)
I stood kind of next to the guy who seemed to be waiting for BTS to leave the building. I should find a security guy but the crowd was too big now. I knew some self defense so I started going over some moves in my head just in case something bad happened.
I heard screams and I looked toward the door and saw the guys coming out wearing masks and walking towards a limo. The suspicious man took out a gun and yelled "DIE BANGTAN!"
The guys looked over and noticed the attacker as he lifted the gun toward them. My adrenaline kicked in and I attacked the bad guy to the ground. I bite his hand and pulled the gun away from him and threw it over the railing that was separating BTS from the crowd. I was able to punch his face a few times before he pushed me off of him and take out a knife.
Screams were all around me as the crowd was running away from the scene. I glanced over at the guys and saw they were being forced into the building by guards and staff. The fear in their eyes as they were staring at me was so intense. It looked like Yoongi and Jungkook were trying to fight off guards to come to me. They looked furious but were finally pushed into the building with the rest of the guys. Thank god they were safe.
I felt a cut on my cheek and snapped back to the situation I was in. I tried to kick at the guy but he grabbed my foot and twisted my ankle. I scream out in pain and the guy slapped me hard in the face. He swung the knife at me again and got my arm. I was able to kick him in the balls with my other foot before the cops came and tackled him down.
I've never gotten into a fight ever in my life. I felt like I possessed fighting that guy off. I was shaking with adrenaline.
The attacker was getting handcuffed and I was feeling light headed. I laid my head back on the ground facing toward the glass doors of the building. I counted the members to make sure they were all in there. Jimin and Tae were holding each other crying. Hoseok and Jungkook were in shock it looked like. Namjoon and Jin were intensely talking to the staff and guards. Yoongi was staring at me and I closed my eyes and smiled. At least I passed out knowing the guys were safe.

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