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It was another day at preschool, and all of the children were happily coloring away. Freya was using her very favorite crayon. It was a turquoise crayon, and not common around the classroom areas. Well, it's to be expected that when something isn't common, everyone in the class of preschooler's will want it.

"I'm telling you guys! It's mine! Now back off!" Freya screamed at the other children. She will stop at nothing to defend her prized crayon.

"But I want it!" Layla cried. She loved the pretty color of the crayon. And she wanted to have it.

"No! I want it!" Lilac yelled. She too wanted the turquoise crayon.

"It's mine!" Another voice shouted. Everyone started shouting over each other.

"Ugh, I don't have time for this." The teacher said. She was having none of it, so she just checked her Twitter instead.


"And why is that?" Freya countered. "Because I am the prettiest, and most popular one! So I should get it!" Kennedy yelled in reply.

"Um, girl, have you looked at yourself in the mirror in the past few years? You lookin' ugly as my foot!" Freya's twin sister, Mimi, said in response.

Everyone gasped. This was not only the second time Mimi spoke to Kennedy like this, but she also said that Kennedy was ugly as her foot, which was a big insult (for preschoolers) and also.. Not too far off from the truth, though no one would admit it.

"YOU ARE THE ONLY ONE WHO WOULD DARE TALK TO ME LIKE THAT AND YOU KNOW WHY?! BECAUSE YOU ARE A BIG MEANIE ZUCCHINI!" Kennedy screeched at the top of her lungs. The teacher facepalmed. "Alright kids, that's enough!" She finally looked up from her phone to say. "Now with your toys or something."

"Ok!" Everyone in the class chirped before going right back to arguing over the crayon.

"Mimi, that's enough, this is about Freya's crayon and nothing else." Philip said. Mimi had been getting easily off topic recently because of what happened on the playground that afternoon.

The teacher looked back up and saw the children still fighting. She observed for a little while to figure out what about. What could a group of 4-5 year olds possibly be fighting about?

"It's MY crayon!" "No mine!" "MINE!!!!"

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" The teacher said loudly, standing up."If you don't stop fighting over that crayon, I will just take it away!" She finally said before sitting back down and glaring at the children.

"Whatever! You aren't the boss of us!" Kennedy yelled at the teacher. "Kennedy, stay in a little bit during lunch so we can have a discussion."

No one exactly knew what, a "discussion" was but they assumed it was something bad. "Oooooo" They went. "SILENT!" The teacher yelled in return. And all was silent until Philip began to snicker.

"What are you laughing about?" The teacher said. Her patience was wearing rather thin.

"We are waiting for you to get back to your Twitter so we can continue fighting." Philip said with sass.

A few of his classmates started to chuckle until the teacher said "That's it! I will be contacting your father about this!"

Philip simply shrugged. His father had been receiving a lot of phone calls about Philip's bad behavior recently. Little did she know how little his father actually cared for them. It was his mother that would be upset to see them.
"Who was that, Alexander?" Eliza asked.

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