Crazy Crushing

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Freya's POV
"Who do you like?" My sister asked expectantly.

Um... I wasn't expecting to be asked this. I could just say that I didn't like anyone, right? But, do I like someone?

Let's see... I don't hang out with anyone else other than the people in front of me, Philip and Theo are together and I felt no sadness in learning that. In fact, I was thrilled! Mimi is my sister, so um, NO.

That left Madison. Do I like her? Just thinking of a her brought a blush to my cheeks. I always thought she was my best friend in this group, and I always thought she was way prettier than everyone else.

But I don't like her.

Do I?

I think I do. And I'm not about to shy away, I'm going to say it out right.

Philip's POV
I heard Mimi's question and watched Freya in anticipation. I hope she doesn't like me or Theo. She looked like she was thinking about something until she finally looked up and answered "Madison."

I was not expecting that, and clearly neither was anyone else.

I saw a blush rise up Madison's cheeks before she hid her face and suggested we do something else.

We nodded in agreement without saying anything because this just got really awkward.

I mean, I ship it, but like-

Madison's POV
It got really awkwardly silent so I suggested we play a new game.

"What game should we play?" Philip asked, trying to break the ice.

"Um, I was thinking we could play.. Would you rather?"

Everyone nodded their heads in agreement. Would you rather sounds way better than truth or dare right now.

I decided to ask someone first. "Philip would you rather... Smack your dad, or hug Jefferson?" I asked him. He probably would just hug Jefferson go get it over with-

"I would smack my dad, 100%!" Philip answered, "Sometimes he really needs someone to smack some sense into him." Everyone laughed their butts off at this and it was time for Philip to ask a question.

Philip's POV
It's my turn to ask a question and I will pick..Theo.

"Theo, would you rather.." Huh. I don't really have one on mind for her. "Oh! Would you rather punch Mimi or Freya?" I asked her with a smug smirk. Mimi and Freya were both sitting right there.

"Really, dude?!" Theo asked

Theo's POV
"Really, dude?!" I asked him. What the heck! They are both right there, and we started playing this game in the first place to make things not awkward.

"Um, it's ok, PUNCH ME!" Freya shouted. Mimi just shrugged and said "Punch her." So I said I would punch Freya. Guess Freya broke the whole point of the game. But that was fine by me, because it made things a lot less awkward.

It's my turn to ask a question now, and I pick.. Freya! "Freya, would you rather.." I tapped my chin in thought. "Would you rather do the whip me nae nae, or dab 15 times in front of your dad?"

Freya didn't even miss a beat. "Oh, I would dab 15 times. My dad LIVES for that crap."

Freya's POV
That was a dumb question with an obvious answer. Of course my dad lives for the dabbing. He's Lafayette, for crying out loud! Ew I can't believe I thought of that it's such an old phrase. "For crying out loud." Ugh.

But anyways, it is my turn to ask someone a question, and who other than my sister? "Mimi, would you rather.. " This was actually quite a hard question, I didn't want to waste my turn, but I already know a lot of things about my twin sister that no one else does.

I decided to waste my question. "Mimi would you rather like peanut butter off a hobo's foot, or eat jelly out of a public pool?

I know that's not the original, classic question but hey, I was curious.

Mimi's POV
" Would you rather lick a hobo's foot, or eat jelly out of a public pool?" My sister asked me. I cringed at the thought.

"Um... I guess I'll go with the hobo's foot? I do only have to lick it, instead of full on eating it. And people PEE in public pools!" Ew why did Freya have to ask me such gross questions.

Whatever, it was my turn to ask a question and I wanted to ask Madison. I had been thinking about it this whole time.

"Madison, would you rather kiss Theo or Freya?" I asked her.

Madison's POV
"Would you rather kiss Theo or Freya?" Mimi asked me as if she had been thinking about it this entire time. What the heck, Mimi! Leave it to Mimi to make any game as awkward as possible.

But I wasn't going to hesitate and go along with the awkwardness, no, I was going to answer the awkward question. Yes, that's exactly what I'll do.

"I would kiss Freya." I answered with as little emotion as I could possibly muster.

Freya blushed and looked quite flustered before she turned away, but then nodded and cleared her throat to break the silence. I was just as uncomfortable as her, though I refused to show it.

"O-ok..." Freya answered.

This was going to be one awkward day.

Sorry for the short chapter, especially having not updated for such a long time. Tbh tho, my ships right now are:
Theo x Philip
Freya x Madison
Mimi x ???

I'm gonna have to think of a boy for Mimi to crush on, or maybe a girl? What do you guys think?

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