School Bullies

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It was recess time, and Philip and his friends Theo, Mimi, and Freya were taking turns pushing each other on the swings, when a group of girls walked up to them.

It was a group of 4 girls, named Sara, Layla, Lilac, and the group's leader Kennedy.

The girls were called "The Queens" Or at least, that's what they called themselves, and they were very popular. It was known that it was very hard to get into that group, and in order to, you either had to be drop dead gorgeous, mean, or you could be like Kennedy, who was both.

"Hey Philip," Kennedy said condescendingly. "Yeah?" Philip replied. He had never talked to the girls directly before but it was well known around the school that you shouldn't mess with them.

"So, your dad is like, the U.S Secretary of Treasury, right?" Kennedy said, with the same condescending tone. "Yes!" Philip said proudly. He adored his father. "Well, don't act like you are way better than everyone else because of it. Those are your DAD'S accomplishments, not yours!" Kennedy replied, angrily.

"What?" Philip said confused. He hadn't even said a word about his father being Secretary of Treasury until now. So how could he be using it to lift himself above everyone else?

"You heard me!" Kennedy fired back.

"I have no idea what you are talking about.. I haven't even said a word about him being Secretary of Treasury until now.." Philip said, thinking aloud.

"Yes you did!" Kennedy almost screamed back. "Layla here says so! Tell him, Layla!" Kennedy said, glancing at her friend. "It's true! Yesterday he was bragging about it to everyone!" Layla lied.

In truth, she was the least popular of all The Queens. She was actually doing exactly what she was accusing Philip of, trying to rise above everyone else.

She had no idea Kennedy would be so affected by it, however, because it was well known that Kennedy bragged about her father's accomplishments all the time and used them as her own.

"No I didn't!" Philip replied, getting a bit angry now. "Layla is telling lies!" He said, pointing his finger angrily at Layla. "No she's not!" Kennedy yelled. "Layla would never lie to me! She is my best friend! If you EVER call her a liar again, I'm going to tell my dad, and he will DESTROY you!"

Kennedy said, fuming. "Come on, girls!" She said to the rest of her group. "Let's go, and never talk to any of these LOSERS again!" She was about to turn around when...

"Don't call us that!" Mimi shouted. It was quite the surprise, because Mimi was always shy. She had learned to never mess with The Queens, but then again, she never messed with anyone.

She was always so quiet, which was why everyone on the playground that afternoon was now staring at her in awe.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY TO ME?!?!" Kennedy said. She too was surprised, but she was not about to show it. No, she was about to put this dork in her place.

"I said DON'T CALL US THAT! Treat others the way you want to be treated! How would you like to be called a loser, huh?!?" Mimi said, shouting at the top of her lungs now.

"I would NEVER be called a loser because no one would even DARE! And even if they did, they would be incorrect because I am NOT a loser. I'm the most pretty, and popular one in the ENTIRE school, and I will RUIN your life!" Kennedy screeched back at Mimi.

"Do you even know why no one would dare say that to you?!?" Mimi asked.

"Um, YES! It's because that would be rude and incorrect, and because I would stand up for myself, and so would my friends!" Kennedy said matter-of-factly.

"WRONG! It's because everyone is afraid of you, because of how mean and rude you are! You are constantly acting like you are above everyone else! Everyone on this playground is sick of it! So if you will stop acting like a prissy princess, maybe people would like you, and actually WANT to be your friend, instead of only being your friend because you practically forced them to!" Mimi finally finished, out of breath.

Everyone was silent, most of them awe struck that such a timid girl would lose her patience and scream at The Queens of all people, that they were scary and rude.

The rest of the Queens, Layla, Lilac, and Sara were trying to put on angry faces, when in reality, Lilac and Sara were about to break out in tears because of how true it was.

Kennedy had done all of that, but they didn't want to admit this, or else Kennedy would make their lives miserable.

They liked her anyway, but not for her. They only wanted her money and popularity, these were the only things that mattered to them.

And just think, this is a bunch of PRESCHOOLERS! Heck, when I was in preschool the only thing I sought out was the last apple juice box. Imagine what they will be like once they get into highschool-

Layla still kind of liked Kennedy for, well, Kennedy. She was fun, sometimes, if you really got to know her, but most of the time, she was horrid.

Kennedy however, she was PISSED. Kennedy was so angry that a little nobody would EVER speak to her this way, that she simply said...

"I'm going to make your life a total. disaster." Kennedy said, stalking off with the other Queens.

Mimi didn't say anything more for the rest of the recess, even when Philip and the others tried to cheer her up, congratulating her on her bravery. In fact, she didn't dare utter another word for the rest of the entire week.

"What in the world have I gotten myself into?!?"

998 words! (Not counting this author's note) That is absolutely insane, at least to me because the longest I have ever made one of these before has been 450-500 words long! Why, oh why, do I spend so much time and effort on a piece of crap no one will ever read? P.S- Just realized this is basically a mix of Mean Girls, Heathers, and Caillou lol

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