xiii. | chapter thirteen

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Monsieur André and monsieur Firmin decided to put Carlotta into the role of Countess and Christine as the page boy

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Monsieur André and monsieur Firmin decided to put Carlotta into the role of Countess and Christine as the page boy. A daring move, as they did not heed the words of the Phantom. They obviously denied his heavy presence in the Opera House by now, not wanting to believe that someone like that could excist.

They even say that Christine was never taken by the Phantom that night that she was also there. She had just been out with Raoul, the Vicomte and her childhood lover. Belle did not like that they make her seem like a liar, but what could she do? She was also now there, with no true significance. 

Belle stands backstage on the performance of Il Muto. She was already dressed in her tutu, dancing in a ballet later on the evening in which she was one of the shepherds. Madame Giry had only said on the day of the performance itself that she would play a role as a shepherd, which Belle considered quite late.

The woman stands next to her, keeping an eye on the performance of her proteges. Now was time for the song that Belle knows is called 'Poor Fool, He Makes Me Laugh'. She knows this play is supposed to be humerous, but she couldn't see anything funny in it, so she looks further into the hall.

Many of the rich of Paris sit there, filling the seats and the pockets of the two monsieurs. In Box Five sits not only the Vicomte, but also the two owners and a boy she recognises. Nicolas, his father and someone who has to be his mother. He didn't notice her, but she noticed him.

The two men and lady, also known as the fops, walk onto the stage and begin their song. "They say that his youth has set my lady's heart aflame." "His lordship sure would die of shock!" "His lordship is a laughing stock!" "Should he suspect her, God protect her. Shame, shame, shame! This faithless lady's bound for Hades. Shame, shame, shame!"

They look around to stare at the obviously fake-kissing Carlotta and Christine and gasp loudly. "Serafimo, your disguise is perfect. Who can this be," Carlotta sings, so high that Belle has difficulty understanding what she exactly says. Then Piangi appears on stage, singing his part.

"Gentle wife, admit your loving husband. My love, I'm called to England on affairs of state and must leave you with your new maid. Although I'd happily take the maid with me." The audience gets to laugh before Carlotta says her part. "The old fool is leaving!" Then Piangi picks up again.

"I suspect my young bride is untrue to me. I shall not leave, but shall hide over there to observe her." Once Piangi hides Carlotta takes the attention. "Serafimo, away with this pretence! You can not speak but kiss me in my husband's absence. Poor fool, he makes me laugh, hahahahaha. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Time I tried to get a better, better half!"

All of the podium begins to sing and Belle just stares at their extreme make-overs. Only Christine looks slightly normal. "Poor fool, he doesn't know, ho ho ho ho ho. Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho." "If he knew the truth he wouldn't go-" Carlotta sing, but she was cut off by a low, masculine voice from above.

"Did I not instruct that box Five was to be kept empty?" Everyone gasps, trying to catch a glimpse of the rumoured and feared Opera Ghost. His presence was heavy on everyone, especially Belle. She can hear Meg murmur to Christine. "He's here, the Phantom of the Opera."

"It's him," Christine replies, probably recognising him as the same man who took her from her fitting room. Carlotta snarls at her, waving her fan around. "Your part is silent, little toad!"

Belle almost steps onto the stage to find the masked man that inspires her moves and voice but Madame Giry pulls her back angrily. "Don't do that, someone could see you walking onto the stage," she scolds. Both Monsieur André and monsieur Firmin walk onto the stage and announce that the ballet that she is in will be next.

She quickly grabs her attributes and makes her way onto the stage with the other ballerinas. They stand in begin position and the music begins to play. Belle lets the music take over her body and takes the advice of the Phantom once again in her head.

Her body moves automatically and her mind doesn't take notice of the chase scene that plays above their head. All she notices is the music playing louder and faster, louder and faster until the climax-

The screams. Belle is pulled out of her reverie and looks around to see what the commotion was about. It wasn't hard to guess once she sees it. It was the stage builder Buquet, hanging with a rope around his neck. His eyes stand wide open.

Belle screams loudly and places her hands before her mouth. He was dead.. All turns deaf to her and she was pulled from the stage with not much difficulty. It was Meg, still in her costume and make-up. "Shh, shh, all will be okay. You are safe now. No one can hurt you," she promises as she hugs the child to her body.

"He is dead," Belle murmurs against her stomach, crying softly," he's really dead." They stand in silence as not even Meg knew what to say about it. Madame Giry came and ordered for Meg to bring her back to the attic. The show was over now.

Meg did as her mother asked her to do and put Belle to bed. She gave her a soft kiss and went back to check the state now, leaving Belle as victim to her own thoughts.

Could he have done it? The Phantom? But why would he kill Buquet? He didn't have any motive, or did he? Her face still stained with tears, she closes her eyes and sleeps.

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