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he has a stutter, he's not social, and he's a nerd except for when he's in control.

when it comes to harry's stutter and his shyness, a lot of it won't make sense. the way harry's stutter works is that when he's in control of a situation and he feels he can handle it, he gains confidence. he controls himself better with everything from his speaking to his movements. being in control of yourself and controlling rhythmic movements & speaking is a way that a lot of people control their stutters. while for some it is a born speech impediment, others can develop it and it may not be apparent at all times. i've known people like this who are only lacking confidence and shy, and stuttering when they can't control a situation or are getting anxious or extremely nervous from a situation. his stutter is a lot in the beginning, and doesn't really loosen up for a while. in some people's opinion it may be dumb, and it'll probably be annoying at first, but this is the way i vision it.

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