Day 1

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Alright, how do I start this off?

My name is Optimus Prime, I am a Cybertronian, or a sentient robotic organism from space, from a planet called Cybertron. My team and myself found earth, and made a base there. Our enemy has been tracking and hunting me down, and they had finally found our base. They are the Decepticons, and they are ruled by Megatron and his family, who were also in on the hunt. But before they got into our base, the groundbridge was activated and, I was sadly pushed through for my own survival by my team. The groundbridge had been destroyed mere seconds after I was pushed through, and I found myself in another world. I was mostly human now, but my helm was still my own, attached to a humans body and shrunken in size to the size of a humans head. I had awoken in a house, on a bed, or berth in my kinds terms, and all around the house were books and bookshelves, datapads as well, actually. I did not bother to read them when I awoke, but I will soon.

I wore a long robe-like trench coat with my original body's colors on it, red and blue, but it also had some strange and odd designs and symbols of some sort, none of which I knew their meaning. To go with the trench coat, was a long sleeved shirt with the Autobot symbol on it, but it was flaming softly, its design was, it wasn't actually on fire, and around it was odd symbols of the liking, similar to those on the trench coat, it was red and blue, with an odd tint of black and purple and gold, first two colors were familiar, but the other three were... odd. There was also a belt around the trench coat, the front of it was a golden and diamond buckle, an Autobot symbol, and a set of jeans that were blue and black. I found most of it weird, honestly. Why did I have such an expensive looking belt to begin with? And what was with the tint of black, purple, and gold on the shirt I wore? I remember just shrugging it off, and exiting that wooden house.

The place the house had been on was a very large street, and down the street was a school. It was called "Akuma High School", which meant "Devil High School" in Japanese, thanks to some of those books in the house I now apparently lived in. VERY comforting. Note my sarcasm. This school was not filled with human students though, this school was full of hybrids and mutants and such, which meant I was much less noticeable inside, thank Primus. There were Werewolves with wings, and lizards with halos, humans with tails and cats with scales. That rhymed. Anyways, there were so many different species of... whatevers, and what made things even more odd, was that this place had magic galore. The halls stretched upwards for at least a mile, and up those halls were balconies and stairways and bridges over bridges. This place was already weird. I did find something amazing, and that Orion would have loved to see. A library that never ended. I'm serious. There were millions of billions of trillions of books, everywhere. In the middle of all of it was a strange crystal that seemed familiar, around the floating, odd crystal were ten hovering books. It was just abrupt and odd.

I was then confronted by a big, bulky, buff human, at least I think they were human. This is what was said between us: 

"Hey it's the new kid!" Excuse me? "Just showing you who's the boss is all. Don't take it personal, my boss ordered me to show who's superior to newbies."I do take it personal. I do not like it when one calls me, or anyone, a 'newbie', after shoving someone with much force. It is not very nice of you to do such a thing. "Nice isn't his way. Your lucky it wasn't a beat up... most kids get that, although if its a beating you want. Its a beating you'll get." I do not wish for a fight, so either you back down, or- "Oh what's the fun in that?" I'm warning you. Back down now. "Or what?" Do you wish to find out?  "Oh what is the new kid gonna do?!" 

I do not know what compelled me to do what I did next, nor do I want to know, but something in my processor clicked, and anger was all I felt. It was as if a magical force, yes I said that, and it is possibly true, took a single command from me and... nearly killed that boy. Those books, remember them? The books behind me that surrounded the crystal had suddenly opened up and sent odd, colorful  blasts at the boy after I suddenly pointed at him without even meaning to This caused a many, many eyes to fall on me, and I was utterly shocked at what I just managed to do. Those books then closed afterwards, and the boy ran off. So I made myself scarce. I ran outside and went back inside after an hour or so, everything had calmed down by then.

The rest of the day was normal, I actually decided to attend a random class, which was history, and it was of my kind. Of Megatronus Prime, the one Prime who betrayed the other thirteen, and another kid made an innocent joke and made the entire class burst out laughing, literally. I might have joined them. Might have. But in that class a... familiar someone entered. They were silver and purple, they were somewhat like me, with a human body and clothing but the helm of a Cybertronian. It was Megatron... Luckily, he didn't notice me, he was too bothered glaring at any females who drooled over him. Yea, females drooled over him! The day went on and I went to my newfound home, and in a short period of time, a little female banged on my door, told me she was lost and begged for help, and I helped her. We found her older brother, which was... Megatron. He didn't know it was me, again, and thanked me for helping her little sister, who was named 'Seraphina'. I went back home afterwards, mentally screaming at myself that 'THAT WAS MEGATRON!'. Thanks, Captain Obvious.

Now as I am writing this in my datapad, in my new berth, tired as frag and the sun is down, I wonder what tomorrow shall bring...

Optimus Out.

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