Day 13

26 2 0

Well, today was a chaotic mess, and I'm somewhat on the run.

So, here's what happened.

Normal start to the day, everyone heads to the massive library, everyone was conversing. Suddenly, a massive group of people in reds and whites stormed in and started using magic to harm others. The classic fireballs, chain lightning, poison, and other common spells, as well as Companion Spells, Dragon Summons, and other chaos. 
So the school was basically under fire from another school I don't know the name of. And they packed a punch. Several kids were getting seriously hurt, others began to fight back, and there were even healers helping those who'd been unable to get out of the way of said attacks from the opposing side.
Also I found out the Principle could TURN into an actual Wyvern for certain periods of time. Actually a lot of the teachers could turn into powerful animals, which is probably why they had these jobs, to protect the kids...

But anyways, I was further back, near the center of the library when I heard the chaos start. I witnessed a few teachers shift and run in immediately, as well as twin healers start after them as well. I was quick to realize this was not a first, they had this coordinated like it was a war, issue was, it appeared their coordination wasn't going to help, as a lot of the kids were weaker then the ones who were attacking, despite their numbers being lower then ours. I wanted to help, but I didn't know how.

Then I suddenly realized those.. mystical books were floating around me. Which nobody noticed, at first. They gave off that same feeling of gentle warmth. One seemingly floated into my hand, and I felt... powerful. Very powerful. I ran into the fray, and these books just began to summon out spell after spell after spell, some were defensive, some were offensive, some where summoning, some were elemental, but I have a feeling I killed a kid in the ensuing chaos of overpowering the opposing school.

To cut a long story short, as the battle ended, the books went right back to the crystal, and my spark told me to run. So I ran. After that, everything was somewhat a blur. But now I'm holed up in my home, typing this out, lights off, waiting for it all to calm down, I can hear them searching for me. Students and teachers alike, along with what probably is the authority of this place.

I have to cut this short, they're trying to get in.

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