Day 14

28 2 0

I'm alive, but sort of being held captive.

By 'Sort of' I mean I'm not considered a bad guy, but I'm still stuck in a place against my will. I left off last time, and only seconds later did they break in. I only defended myself, not trying to harm those who broke in. I was easily overpowered, and once taken somewhere, away from others, I was obviously questioned. Mainly how I controlled the power of those books, and I answered in all honesty. I didn't know how.

Since then, I've been able to get the datapad back, but this will be closely monitored, which means I can't disclose my whereabouts, but I doubt that anyone reading this right now would be able to locate me, let alone the world I'm on, or the galaxy it is within, if it's even in the Milky Way. 

That Principle is what one would call a Mob Boss, but one of the more kinder ones. He's not as bad as most known Mob Bosses on Earth, but he has blood on his hands, mainly a few of that opposing highschools attackers, which those murders have been justified. 

I have been closely monitored, and aloud to go back to the school, but I cannot go back into the little house I had, not for a while. I'm immediately taken by the Principle, which I'm now to call 'Father' or 'Sanvo', which I guess is to make it look less suspicious that one day I started to go with him instead of alone. I have not figured out why Sanvo is the only other thing I can call him, I do not know if its his name, nickname, or another word for Father or Parent.

The entire situation is tense. His 'mob' if you could even call it that, only consists of his own kind. Humanoid dragons and wyverns, with tails and wings, depending on their breed, the wings would either be their arms, or on their backs. They'd be covered in smooth scales, and their heads would always be similar, a lizard like head, with powerful horns, and large eyes on the side. I noticed that all of them, female or male, had the same crystal, embedded on a golden ring, around their horns. As I said previously, I suspected those were the Stones that made me fear Sanvo. I feel constant fear, which I doubt I'd have. They aren't scary, not even close to what I have seen, so no doubt is it those crystals, constantly being used on me. I am kept in their massive home, in a room, where I'm actually living quite fine. They treat me well enough, they don't harm me, I tried to escape at one point when I felt threatened by one of them. I was recaptured pretty quickly, but the one who'd scared me into running, a black and silver, older Wyvern, was reprimanded. I was apparently being more over protected then being a captive.

I'm starting to be considered more an more like their family, an adopted one if at best, but I don't consider them that. I fear them in truth, not just due to those gems. I fear them in full, just due to their power. I'm being faced with something I can't defend myself against. If I was even to go over the line slightly, I fear they'd try and kill me. They have cameras in every room. I'm aloud to leave and walk around freely, but watched and followed closely. I've been doing my best to eat the food provided, but it's not what I'm supposed to eat.

They are calling me down to the main hall. I have to go. I really do not wish to disobey them.

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