Day 7-12

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A lot has happened.

On day 7, it seemed to have calmed down. Kids weren't actively avoiding me like I had the human plague, but they didn't get too close or converse unless they had to, either. Other things had taken off, like the upcoming magic battles, apparently, which is their sport, finals for some, and just flat out boredom from no truths from any of those rumors. So I'm ok.

Day 8, however, kids started to ask what happened. Mainly a very... tight nit group of kids with a lot of mystery. It's apparent that they are trying to piece together what happened and put a stop to the crazy rumors, which are still floating around, but everyone knows about it, so nobody's surprised anymore. But these kids have been almost stalking me. They caught me entering the school and asked a few simple questions. They caught me before and after EVERY class, the questions getting odder or weirder or even personal. By the end of the day, I wasn't answering anything I found uncomfortable, which was EVERYTHING at that point. I took a different route to the place I call home now, just in case, because I don't know what they could do to me.

Day 9 was similar, the mystery group chasing me around all the time. The Principle intervened halfway through the day and said that 'the rumors were a teacher matter, and it was not your business to be in.' Which stopped them for the rest of the day, and gave me some peace of mind. Megatron stopped me in the hall and yet again demanded answers. I said nothing and he left me alone. I did go back to that library, to the center where the books and that massive crystal were, and felt a familiar hue to it. A vibe that felt... comforting. I immediately traced it back to when I became a Prime, when I was before Primus, the very god that gave me the Matrix. it was an identical feeling. Of calm, like a warm, invisible hug wrapped around me, giving me a sense of hope and peace, that everything would be ok, and that all bad would end, and I'd finally have peace. Weird.

Day 10 was... uneventful. No group of kids, no being stared at, no Megatron. Actually, most of the school didn't come that day, it was an optional day. So I got the library to myself. The bottom/main floor at least. I got to go closer then I think I was allowed to the books and crystal. You see, they sort of... float. Suspended in the middle of the library, a meter away from it all around is a line, obviously to show kids you can't go further. Beyond that is the tables and chairs, and among all that are the MASSIVE bookshelves, that the space between them is enough to fit huge classrooms of chairs and tables. Maybe I will try to draw it, but I am unsure. But anyways, I crossed that line, and approached the books and crystals, that same feeling overwhelming me in a good manner. I felt the Matrix, still within my chest, seeming to be attracted to these mysterious objects that had given me such trouble for the first 2 weeks here. I wanted to touch them, but sadly, the Principle caught me crossing the line, and I got detention. I feel a little... guilty for it. The inner Orion in me was always a goody-two-shoes as the humans would call him, so no doubt about my guilty feeling. Detention was quiet, but I did see the Jeraco kid. He looked terrified when he saw me, and ran out of the detention hall as soon as I entered, which got him into deeper trouble, but they found out why later. So he got a separate room from me. 

Day 11 and 12 were the same. I was chased around by the mystery group, cornered by Megatron and said nothing, accidentally scared Jeraco into running and hitting a wall, I looked guilty there... only was saved both times by a witness the 11th day and the camera footage the 12th. I learned a few things about more crystals, including the Emotion Crystal, and few new learned ones, Like Elemental Crystals and Time Crystals, which are forbidden in the school for usage unless for a project that does not involve harm to others.

That's all I have for now, hope it was enough.

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