Chapter 4: Trying To Make Amends With An Emotional Wreck Of A Demigod

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  • Dedicated to all of the people who gave my story a chance...

Chapter 4: Trying To Make Amends With An Emotional Wreck Of A Demigod

Chapter Also Known As: I Think The Demigod I’m In Charge Of Is Bipolar

Author’s Note: Hey Party People! How ya doing? I hope you guys had an AMAZING summer vacation. I did. All thanks to Wattpad and all of you guys reading my story! Thanks for giving my story a chance and reading it. I’m so…so…HAPPY! *cries tears of joy* I mean, seriously?! Over 100 views?! You guys made this summer one of the best I’ve ever had in my entire life! So, this dedication is to all of guys who’ve read my story. If it weren’t for all of you, my summer wouldn’t be as good as it turned out to be. :D

Enjoy the chapter!

Nico di Angelo's POV

                I stood in front of a red faced and trembling Kaitlyn, with a hand on my left cheek, which, no doubt, had a bright red handprint on it. Shock was registered on my face, with the sound of slap echoing in my ears.

                Wait. *record scratch noise* You guys are probably wondering how the Hades I ended up here. Well, let’s go back to when the science lab had burned down.


                We stood silently, staring at the science lab, the fire covering every square inch, the smoke curling like fingers around the building. The sound of sirens permeated the silence. A fire truck and an ambulance pulled up next to the chaos. Firemen (or firepeople, technically) ran up with a hose and squirted some kind of white foamy substance at the growing fire. The fire eventually died down and the teachers dismissed us all to go to our dorm rooms.

                Except for Kaitlyn.

                Since the science lab was located ways away from the actual school and was in the middle of the woods, the fire department declared it safe to still go to school—Bummer. The entire school population, both students and teachers, who had wandered over to see what was going on, were now trudging back to school. Most of them were shooting glares in Kaitlyn’s direction.

                I felt really bad. Kaitlyn was going to get in huge trouble and probably get expelled or something, when really it was all my fault. I’m the one who didn’t screw the lid on properly. I’m the one who knocked it over. And yet, Kaitlyn was the one who managed to get in trouble for it. Ugh! She probably hates my guts right now. How do I know that, you ask? Well, two things. One) Demigod Instincts. You can’t be a demigod—at least one that’s alive—without having that feeling in your gut. And Two) Kaitlyn was giving me a I-hate-your-guts look right now.

                Yeah. I think I’m gonna have to go with my gut feeling.

                Once I entered the school, I noticed Kaitlyn was being herded in the direction of the principal’s office by a couple of teachers. Making a plan in my head to eavesdrop on their conversation, I headed over to my dorm room.

                Let me guess what you’re thinking right about now. Does it go along the lines of, “What does going to your dorm room have to do with eavesdropping on them?” or “Don’t you need to be at or even near the actual office?!” If that wasn’t anywhere near to what you were thinking about, well, sorry; I’m going to talk about it anyways.

                Have you ever heard of shadow travelling? If you haven’t, it’s basically what it looks like. I just walk into a shadow and travel to another place; most likely to another shadow. Admittedly, it works best at night, but shadows are shadows no matter what time of day it happens to be.

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