Chapter 1: A Regular Morning...I Hope

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Chapter 1: A Regular Morning...I Hope

Author's Note: For this chapter, I am dedicating this to Kerabithajoni. Thanx for the fanning, I had like nothing on my works at the time... I just want to thank you for that. :D

Disclaimer: I do not own anything in this story, except for the main character and a couple of other characters, but that's just it. (I also do not own Sheldon Cooper from Big Bang Theory.) The rest of the story is Rick Riordan's and last time I checked in the mirror, I looked nothing like Rick. Obviously I'm not him. 'Cause 1) I'm a girl. 2) I lack creativity. And 3) I'm A GIRL!!

WARNING: I'm a new writer. And my previous times writing in L.A. didn't work out that well, and this one might not be an exception...I do hope you guys might like it, but if you don't, I'm okay with that. But remember that I DID in fact warn you. Enjoy! :D

Kaitlyn's POV

                In case you're wondering, I SO did not burn my school down on purpose. And it wasn't even the WHOLE school; it was only A PART of it. So don't judge me. Yet.

                My name is Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn Jefferson. (Is it just me, or did that just sound like a James Bond moment? Silence...Okay, I guess that was just me. Anyways...) I'm 14 years old, turning 15 in a month. Not exactly a month, it's a month and a day, if you want to get technical. Though, I really doubt that you would care. But when your birthday comes up, I wouldn't be so surprised to find out that you know the exact amount of days until your birthday. Who'll be the weirdo, then? (Voice in the background: *cough* still you *cough*)

                Another fact that you should know about me (Yes, my birthday was a fact that you SHOULD know about me) is that I'm not...normal. Not counting-all-the-days-until-my-birthday weird, but just-plain-weird weird. I mean, seriously? How's it possible to have both OCD and ADHD? Aren't they like completely different disorders? But, you probably don't want to hear it. You're probably wondering about the whole "burning down my school" part, right?

                Well, today is quite the long story. It's not like one of those times when you don't want to talk about your past (it's not even the "past" past, it was only a couple hours ago), so what you do is say that it was a long story, hoping that the same person who asked would drop the subject, 'cause, who wants to take the time to listen to the entire thing, right? My day actually WAS a long story. Especially with all the details, all the stuff that I feel you need to hear if you want the whole story to make sense, after all. But, I'm guessing that you guys just want me to stop rambling on and get the story out of the way, am I right? Well, don't say that I didn't warn you.

                It started out a regular day...


                Beep! Beep! Beep! the alarm clock chirped on a Monday morning. I groaned and hit the snooze button.

                "Just 5 more minutes," I grumbled, my voice muffled by the pillow I stuffed my face in.

                Wake up, sleepyhead! my conscience nagged at me. It's bad enough that your dad has gone through so much! Would you want to disappoint your father again?

                I groaned and rolled out of bed. I hate it when my subconscious is right. (I mean, seriously? Who doesn't?)

                I walked, no, more like shuffled, to my bathroom and flicked on the light switch. The bathroom glowed from the bright white light. I turned on the sink and splashed my face with cold sink water. I stared out at my reflection.

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