Chapter 3: Okay, So Maybe It Was MY Fault

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  • Dedicated to no one so far...

Chapter 3: Okay, So Maybe It Was MY Fault

Author's Note: This chapter is dedicated one. I'm kind of sad no one got the answer for my most previous question. Was it that hard? I was thinking of putting the answer in this chapter, but...if I do that, anyone can just go back and answer the question right after. So for now, the answer will have to remain a mystery. I'll just wait until someone has the answer.

Disclaimer: I do not own most of the characters. And I do not own the place, "Yancy Academy." They belong to Rick Riordan and last time I checked, my name wasn't Rick Riordan. Though technically, I CAN change my name. But, I'm kind of happy with my name, so it won't happen anytime soon. I also do not own that Staples button, who know, the one that says, “That was easy.” Though, it would be awesome to have one! It just seems so fun to press. (In the background: “That was easy. That was easy. That was easy…”)

WARNING: As I have said before, I'm not that good in writing. I don't think you need another reminder, so I might start to not write this anymore. Anyways...


Nico di Angelo's POV

                Today has certainly been…what’s the word?...eventful? Yes, eventful. First of all, let’s backtrack to yesterday. I was in the Big House when Chiron had told me about my new mission: recruiting demigods. Or more accurately, a demigod named Kaitlyn Jefferson. After agreeing to do it, I rushed to my cabin. Technically, it’s not just my cabin, it’s for all children of Hades, but thanks to an oath my dad took 50 years ago—if you’re wondering how old I am, there’s NO WAY I’d tell you—give or take a few years, I’ve got no siblings. Eh, it’s a tough life, but you get used to it. Life just isn’t fair. Especially for demigods.

                Inside my cabin, I was thinking, “What do I bring?” After all, Chiron didn’t exactly tell me much about the job. Just that I had to find Kaitlyn. “I guess it’ll have to be something casual.” So, I just grabbed the usual stuff people would bring: shirts, jeans,…blah, blah, blah. It’s not like you need to know everything. (Old lady voice in the background: Did you pack some underwear? What about a jacket? It’s cold out.) Yes I did. Stop pestering me. You’re not my mom. (Old lady throws walker. “Be more respectful to your elders!) Ow! This old lady has some muscle…So in no time at all, I was packed and ready. But I brought along my sword just in case. It is a DEMIGOD that I’m recruiting, after all. Monsters are bound to show up, one way or another—I sure hope I didn’t just jinx that. My sword gleamed in the light of the torches outside my cabin. It was a solid black sword made of Stygian ice. So just to clarify, rare.

                After packing, I walked to Half-Blood Hill. The big pine tree still served as a boundary, even though it no longer contained Thalia’s spirit—it’s a long story. There’s no need to talk about it. I’m sure you all know the story. At the bottom of the hill stood Argus, next to the van. He was going to drive me to the school where Kaitlyn attended. Yancy Academy. “Where have I heard that name before?” Shrugging it off, I walked to the van and said hi to Argus. He nodded to me as if to say, “Hello to you, too.” See, Argus doesn’t talk. There have been rumors that it’s because he has an eye on his tongue, but no one’s ever been able to confirm it. Although, if he did have an eye on his tongue, does that mean that when he eats, he’ll see his food inside his mouth? Interesting…

                I opened the passenger door and stepped inside. You can smell the strawberries in the air. Camp Half Blood has this strawberry patch where we grow strawberries—obviously. What did you think it’s used to grow? Carrots?—and we sell them out in the city. We have to make money for our financial needs, you know.

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