Getting to know him(Austin part 2)

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Once he asks me "who do you like". Now when people ask me this I don't say cause bitch I don't trust non of these hoes. And I never "dated anyone" and by this time I didn't know who were the good guys or bad guys.
To pause this here are who most of the guys as stereotypes
There were around 3 types or friendships in the group of guys:
The Top Dogs- they were the popular Me.Way cooler than you and are the dumbest kids probably. They make fun of pretty much everyone if they say or do something. They are bad people

Then they were the

Fun people- they aren't popular like the Top Dogs but are friends to best friends with some Top Dogs but I guess there friendship didn't bring them to their lunch table. These are the guys that I would now tend to like or be nice to most of them.

And lastly

The unknown- these were either the majority of the honors kids that are super smart or just don't really mess with people and aren't in drama and that's were the nice kids or the weird kids go to it's half and half but they all get along so that's fine by me.

Austin was the Top Dog only in school he wasn't technically popular on Social Media but he is very mean if you mess with him and tell his cool friends and ruin someone's day. But that's what I didn't know until we broke up. He always loved to make plans but then he always says he couldn't and I know by now he just said it to not go one that date. But fine by me he can suck a dick cause I don't really care anymore. But this isn't the end yet.

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