So Matt still likes McKayla and asked her out but she said no but still were friends but not that close and so he wanted payback and dated my great friend Marina but they didn't last that long probably 3-4 days. I know that's like really sad and so he was sad cause she broke up with him cause she knew things wouldn't work out and to be honest I knew myself that wouldn't be a great relationship. After the breakup Matt told McKayla that they broke up and told her about Marina. McKayla, the heartless and has no sympathy Humber herself, started laughing trying to be funny and like wow only 3-4 days that's sad and Matt was pissed at her. They had a fight saying that she was a terrible friend to me and that you shouldn't been a bitch about it. A couple minutes later I forget about McKayla at this time she was the less of my worries but then I get a text saying I need to FaceTime you. I was scared and I didn't know what to do so I tell Matt that she wants to call me and so I say sure to her and then she stars crying and then she tells me how sorry I am and is telling me not to be friends with Matt and Matt is telling me not to be friends with her and I'm in a state of mind on who I want to choose and I don't want McKayla cause she put so much pain in me but I don't know how to tell her no cause I don't know how to say no. So then Marina comes along telling her to leave me alone and it's all chaotic until I couldn't do it and just cried all day until my parents came home. I forgave McKayla but not really and later in life I stopped talking or having a friendship with her and Matt we stopped talking and I'm fine about it cause he turned out to be a "Summer Friendship" cause he didn't want his friends to know about our friendship and was embarrassed of me.
When love sucks and when it is great
RomanceHi, This is my story when it came to love, friendship, decisions, pain, and a whole roller coaster of emotions. This story is mainly about how I felt with these decisions I made and the consequences I faced but hey I guess it makes a great story aft...