To the end

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It was the end of summer and we were supposed to find out who our teachers are and at this day I was really excited but once we figured out me and Liam's teachers we had different home rooms and the only class we had together was math. I was upset sad and Liam was very sympathetic about it and said everything is gonna be okay. And so we talked all day and cared and by more talking school started. We were doing an okay job for a couple of weeks but then we started talking from late nights from 7 pm to 8 pm to 10 pm to not talking at all cause school was stressing us this year and so then I just said we were over we never said it officially but enough to say that it wasn't healthy for me to feel like I wasn't cared enough and stopped caring about him. Until I started liking this guy and then Liam says he missed me but I said I need time cause idk what my friends would think. But we never dated again and we had a long conversation that he missed me at points and I did to but our lives couldn't take another relationship again and we said we were best friends and we should just stay great friends. I know in the future he's gonna marry someone who is gonna be better and I'm in love with a perfect guy named Victor and I'm gonna ask him out soon so let's see where that will go but he will always be the best story to tell my children when I get older and I will forget Liam once I have my own future or maybe I'll still have a friendship with him for a while too maybe but it is present Saturday, February 2nd and we are super close but we don't call everyday and I'm fine with that because not everything lasts forever but I know that we lasted the best we could possibly be and just a real life lesson MCKAYLA IS A FUCKING BITCH.
The end

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