Chapter 7

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Previously on Chapter 6

I slowly move to get up. Then I start to laugh, which sounds insane. Maybe it's true... I'm not sane anymore. I don't even know what should I do anymore... All I feel is emptiness and all I want is to make them pay....

All of them...

-You Have to Remember!-


I woke up in the middle of a forest. 'Where am I?' I thought to myself. I sit up and move back so I could lean my back against the tree.

I move and try to stand up. I try to make a first step, but stumble. Luckily... I manage to catch myself before I fell over. I observe myself to find out that my clothes is a mess. I sigh "what happened to me?" I say to myself.

I start walking, trying to find a place where I could get some more rest. I don't remember recent events... But I do know that I have this burning hatred inside my heart.

I stumble into the clearing, I can see road and buildings. I try to walk forward, but I trip and fall on my knees. My eyes starts to get blurry. I try to shake the ache away, but instead of going away... It intensified. Soon it gets too much. I fall to my side and everything turns dark.

Ash P.O.V

We've been trying to locate Y/N... We've been going around, trying to find a clue or anything that could help us find her. But no matter how hard we try, we just can't seem to find her.

"Pika?" I heard Pikachu let out a sound. I turn to him, who is on my shoulder. His ears perk up as he starts sniffing. Then suddenly he jump off my shoulder and starts running towards a certain direction. "Hey! Pikachu! Where are you going?" I yell out as I run after him. He just keep on running. Maybe he caught something.

We can see a forest. But that's not what caught my attention. Someone is laying on the ground. As I come closer, I'm finally able to make out that its Y/N. My eyes widened as I speed up.

I kneel down next to her and straddle her in my arms. I gently pat her cheek. "hey... Wake up" I said. Her body is really cold. How did she ends up here? Did she manage to escape?

The others finally caught up. They stop dead in their tracks as they notice the unconscious girl in my arms. "Y/N..." I heard Clemont said. He walks over to me and kneel down. He place his finger on her neck. He let out a sigh of relief. I felt an instant relief at his reaction. But I stare at him, waiting for him to tell me. "Her vital point is still there... But it's faint... We need to get help for her..." He said, finally looking up at me. His eyes shows worry. I nod my head and pick her up, bridal style. Then we start walking towards the direction of the city.

We finally reach the hospital. They took her to the ICU. We have to wait outside. I just take a seat on the available seats. I place my elbows on my knees and held my hands together. I let out a sigh. 'Please be okay... Y/N...' I thought to myself.


The doctor have been checking on her health for almost an hour... Or maybe more, I don't keep track on the time. The only thing on my mind is her well being. Each second passes... I start to feel more anxious.

Then the door opens. I stand up instantly as I watch the doctor walks out. "How is she?" I say, walking towards him. "She's okay now... We've run a few test on her... But we found out something is wrong with her brain through MRI test" he said. My heart sank at what the doctor just told me. "W-what h-happened?" I questions. "It seems that she's been electrocute too many times... Which cause a damage on her brain... So worst case scenario... She might not remember anything..." He said.

Then he walks away after telling us it's okay to check on her. Once he's out of sight. I drop to my knees. Y/N might not remember anything? Does that means... She won't remember me?

I shake my head. I get up and walk towards her room. I take a deep breath and enter. There she is... Laying motionlessly on the bed. It it were not for her heart monitor... I would actually believe that she's already gone.

I walk over to her bed. I take a seat on the available seats. I take her hand in mine. Holding it gently... I don't want to hurt her more than she already is.


Beeping... Is the first sound I heard. I open my eyes and all I see is white. Then I realise I'm in a hospital.

Warmth... Is the next thing I notice. A warm feeling on my right hand. I open my eyes and turn my head slightly to see a boy staring back at me.

My eyes snap open as I sit up and push him away. All I remember is he tortured me. He looks at me in shock. He reach out, trying to touch me... But I swat his hand away. Now he looks confused "Y/N... What's wrong?" He said, as he reach out again. I scream as loud as I can, startling him.

The door swung open revealing a guy wearing all white, I'm guessing he's the doctor. "What's wrong?" He asks. I point towards the boy. "G-get that Monster away from me!!" I scream.

"Y/N... What are you talking about? It's me... Ash... I'm your friend, remember?" He said. I shake my head "all I remember is you hurting me... Torturing me!" I said. His eyes widened "no... I would never do that... Y/N... What's happening to you?" He said. I shake my head "shut up! Go away! Leave me alone! Don't hurt me anymore..." I said as I broke into tears at the last sentence.

Ash P.O.V

"Mr. Ketchum... I think it's best if you leave... She's not in a good condition... As I said before, there's a damage in her brain... Maybe there's someone who is trying to brainwashed her into against you..." He said. My eyes widened at what I heard. "B-brainwash?" I stutter. I look at Y/N, who is staring at me with fear in her eyes. I frown as I try to approach her again.

"Go away... Don't come any closer..." She cries out. My heart clench in my chest. It hurts to see her like this. 'What can I do to help her?' 'Y/N... What happened to you?' I thought as I start to tear up.

"Y/N... You have to remember... It's me, Y/N... It's Ash... I'm your friend... Please... Remember me... I w-would never h-hurt you... Much less... Torture you... It never cross my mind... Not even once... I care so much for you to do such things... Y/N, P-Please believe me..." I plead, as more tears stream down my cheeks. She just stay silent.

*to be continued*

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