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today i met a friend at recess.
she was so nice to me,
gave me flowers and candy,
which i happily took.
we both stared at the sky and wondered where our lives would be in the future.

as we moved onto middle school, she changed.
no longer did she give me
flowers or candy.
dirt and rocks became the replacement.
i still took them happily
at least she was still my friend
the sky was there too, its blue waves traveling towards me from space.
i wonder what it's like up there.

oh dear sky,
you were the only one for me it seems.
she doesn't give me anything now,
just an icy glare as she walks away with her better, eighth grader friends.
i tried to talk to her again, but she criticized me on how awful i was
i tried again to reclaim the friendship we once had, she told me i was worthless
i tried so hard, but she walked away.
i still remember the last words she said,
'go fuck yourself'

i've been alone all this time since then,
years have passed,
my childhood has come and gone.
it seemed so long ago when my first and last friend talked to me.
i'm graduating with the bare minimum, since it just seems so hard to try,
and she's graduating with the highest marks in the school, most likely to be accepted into any college of her choosing.
everyone avoids me as if i have a dangerous infection.
i am estranged from society,
like an alien among humans.
oh well, that doesn't matter,
i still have the sky

and im coming up there to visit soon.

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