Chapter 18: Drama Llamas are a Mood. So is Lulu.

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Chapter 18: Drama Llamas are a Mood. So is Lulu.

       "When exactly are you going to be able to put pressure on your leg?" Lulu asked as I was putting my stuff away in my locker.

       "I don't know," I said. "A few weeks."

       Lulu frowned. "That's not a good enough answer."

       "Well, I don't know what you want me to say," I said. "I don't have an exact date when my leg will be healed. Even my doctor didn't say an exact date. She just said if I stay off of my leg and properly take care of myself, I should be good in a few weeks."

       "You should fire your doctor and get you one that knows your exact heal date."

       "That's not how injuries work, Lulu. There isn't a set date where I'll be healed. Why is it such a big deal for you anyway?"

       "Uh, because you're my friend," Lulu said in an obvious tone. I raised an eyebrow, not believing in the answer she told me. "What? I can't care for my friend?" 

       "The truth, Lulu," I said.

       "Okay, so every year, the seniors of this school have a camping trip overnight somewhere in Ruralburgh," Lulu said. "It has been a tradition forever and the best part is that it has nothing to do with the school. It's just the seniors who plan the camping. No teachers or parents whatsoever."

       "Just a bunch of stupid teenagers who will probably smuggle alcoholic drinks onto the trip, maybe even some weed, even though we have to wait until we're nineteen to consume both alcohol and weed?" I asked.

       "Exactly," Lulu said. "Sounds fun, right?"

       "I'm pretty sure you and I have opposite ideas of fun," I said.

       "So... Is that a no to the camping trip?" Lulu asked.

       "Well, when is the trip?" I asked.

       "Don't know yet," Lulu said. "But I'm the one planning a date since I'm the one who found a location for it. That's why I asked when your leg is better so I could make sure you could come to it. And the good news is you're more than welcome to bring a guest. The camping trip is mainly for seniors but every year, people do invite other people. There is a special person you should definitely invite. Wink wink. Nudge nudge. Cough, Sawyer, cough."

       "Wait, are you trying to hint that I should invite Sawyer?" I asked. "You're being unclear right now."

       Lulu rolled her eyes and gently punched my shoulders. "To clarify since you're apparently an idiot--"

       "I'm sarcastic."

       "--Yes, you should invite Sawyer. Because you know who's going to be there? Kitty. And you know what that will cause? A lot of anger for Kitty which will make me quite happy."

       "Why would I do that?" I asked. "Invite Sawyer when Kitty is going to be there?"

       "Jamie, you seriously are an idiot," Lulu said. "I just told you. To make Kitty angry so I can be happy. Does she even know about you and Sawyer yet?"

       I shrugged. "Don't know. We don't go out much because of my leg so she hasn't really seen us together yet. I mean, he does give me a kiss every time he drops me off from school but considering Kitty hasn't told me she's going to kill me yet, she probably hasn't seen it. Unless she's quietly plotting my death..."

       "No, trust me, I know Kitty," Lulu said. "If she saw, you would know. Sawyer is picking you up from school, right?" I nodded. "Okay, so make sure Kitty is outside and then give Sawyer a big kiss. And wait until I'm there to record her reaction."

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