Chapter 21: Why Did We Choose the Woods When It's Ideal for Axe Murderers?

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Chapter 21: Why Did We Choose the Woods When It's Ideal for Axe Murderers?

       I didn't know why expected to have a peaceful night's sleep while on the camping trip. There were a bunch of teenagers, some of who drank, without any parents nearby to keep an eye on us. Of course some of them weren't going to actually go to sleep. 

       I just didn't think it would get as crazy as it did.

       I did fall asleep for a bit but I ended up waking up to a few people being very loud. Well, they weren't really loud but with the open and quiet air, they did seem very loud. I was tempted to get out of my tent and collapse the tents of the people who wouldn't stop talking. Especially Kitty and Steph. They ended up setting their tent close to my and Sawyer's and they wouldn't stop talking. In fact, they were the loudest out of everyone. It was like they didn't care that people were trying to sleep.

       I didn't know how Sawyer was able to sleep through all of this.

       Maybe I should scare everyone to make them shut up. My phone was still charged since I made sure to bring a portable charger. I could always play some bear sounds.

       ...No, that would only make things worse because people wouldn't stop screaming if they believed it to be an actual bear.

       I could always wake up Sawyer so he could pay attention to me and would have to suffer through the pain of hearing annoying people with me.

       Too bad I was too nice of a boyfriend to wake Sawyer up from his sleep. If only he could wake up by himself but he just had to be a heavy sleeper.

       Thankfully, Sawyer eventually did wake up but not because of me. He woke up due to Lulu yelling, "Kitty, if you don't shut the hell up, I will go over to your tent and make it collapse!"

       "We're not the only ones talking!" Kitty called back.

       "You're the only ones I could hear so shut up!"

       "Yes, please shut up!" a random person called. "I've been hearing you gossip for hours and I'm trying to sleep!"

       I loved when multiple people told Kitty to shut up. I should join in. I was going to but that was when Sawyer woke up with a heavy sigh. "I should have known this was going to happen," he muttered. "People don't like to sleep on these camping trips."

       I rested my arms on Sawyer's chest and placed my chin on them so I could look at Sawyer. "Since we're both awake, want to make out?" I asked.

       "Why am I not surprised that's the first thing you asked?" Sawyer asked. "I'm tired. I was sleeping. It's the middle of the night."

       "You're too tired to make out with me?" I asked. "I'm insulted."

       "Of course you are," Sawyer said.

       "I also want to make an innuendo about you being too tired. You can probably already guess what it is. Mainly because of what we were doing last night."

       "Jamie, we literally did nothing last night because you were constantly whining about being cold and then you fell asleep."

       "Biggest mistake of my life. We could have had fun."

       "No, we couldn't have with a lot of people around the campsite." Sawyer sat up, causing me to sit up as well since my head was resting on his chest. "I actually have to go to the washroom."

       "Ooh, that sucks having to use the washroom in the middle of the night when you're camping," I said. "And I was just about to ask if we could have a washroom make out session but then I realized the washroom here is an outhouse and I hate outhouses. They don't have mirrors."

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