Chapter 2

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(Media= the Library)

Chapter 2

Lucy's POV

It was a month since the Natsu incident.

I spent a lot of time wondering what he was up to.

Which was probably weird.

It's not like I really knew him and Happy.

Then again, the time I had spent with them had made me feel weirdly free- the way we'd run so fast I could have sworn my feet left the ground. The way he'd grabbed my wrist so casually, as if he didn't notice the smoothness of my hands, didn't notice that they belonged to a noble woman. It was refreshing to feel the wind sting my cheeks for once, to hear the sounds of a cheering crowd as apposed to the loud silence which reached every nook and cranny of the mansion I was once again stuck in.

Dad was in his study, the servants were in the kitchen, and I was in the library. The windows were shut tight despite the suns brilliance and I longed for fresh air instead of the stale oxygen which clogged up my lungs.

My fingers trailed across a few titles, sliding across the rough leather bindings as I thought about the red glow of Natsu's blood as the flames consumed his hand. There was no way he could have done it- his hands should have burnt. Yet they didn't. He played with the fire as if it were just an extension of his own body.

Suddenly, a gold title caught my eyes, and I pulled a thick book from where it sat between a book of plays and an atlas.

The Fairy Tail.

Hugging the volume to my chest and walking over to the window seat, I licked my dry lips and opened the first page. It was just another title page, so I turned over.

This time, a dedication.

'For my beloved Dragon'

Dragon? I wondered, wrinkling my nose in thought. Guessing that it was a pet name of the authors, I proceeded to turn over a new page and to the prologue.

Normal POV

The book fell from her hands, pages rustling together as it dropped onto her lap, slid off, and forcefully smacked down onto the floor. Her eyes were slightly glazed as she stared at her own trembling hands, her lips slowly mouthing unspoken words.

What is this? What is this?

She formed the words over and over, lifting her gloved hands to her face as though they held the answer to the questions in her mind.

Outside a single rain drop fell, bursting when it hit a fresh green leaf to create a small spray of water. Then another fell, and another, until they were pounding against the window. By the time Lucy finally looked up from her hands and out it was torrential, the sky thick with dark clouds and the air filled with rain so that the blonde felt as though she were in an underwater palace.

All she knew as she listened to the rhythm was that she needed to find Natsu.

But, she thought, how am I going to find him?

He was a traveller- he was no doubt countries away, searching for his father and performing his show. All Lucy could hope was that his words when they parted had been true, that they would meet again. Until then she just had to figure out what the book meant by herself.

An overly loud cough interrupted her thought, and Lucy looked up to see a maid with short pink hair: Virgo.

"Sorry to interrupt, Princess, but your Father would like to take afternoon tea in the parlour."

"Thank you, Virgo, and please call me Miss at the very most."

"Of course, Princess." Virgo bowed, barely suppressing her smile as Lucy sighed. Virgo had only been employed recently, her former master being a short fat man with bad taste in women, but already liked the girl. They were the same age and Lucy always treated her as a friend- with kindness, patience and thoughtfulness.

One of her flaws, however, was how easily she got wound up, and it was something Virgo loved to make the most of.

"Do I look ready?" Lucy asked, smoothing down the rose gown she wore which fell elegantly to the floor.


Lucy smiled thankfully and hurried from the room, leaving Virgo alone in the library. The maid noticed a book on the floor beside the window seat, and with a frown she hurried to pick it up, presuming that Lucy had been in the middle of reading it. Not bothering to even glance at the cover as she tucked it under one arm, deciding to leave it in the blondes room.

Then, after a final check that all was as it should be, she turned on her heel and after delivering the book returned to her dusting of the guest room she had been told to prepare.

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