Chapter 4

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(Media=Mira Jane Strauss)

Chapter 4

Normal POV

Lucy gazed out the window of the carriage she shared with Virgo and Aries. Crux and Loke were driving the horses since it would've been indecent for the men to ride with them, but Loke's voice could still be heard as he sung a love ballad which made Aries smile and blush a little.

"Foy porter, honneur garder,"

I want to stay faithful, guard your honor,

"Et pais querir, oubeir,"

Seek peace, obey,

"Doubter, servir, et honnourer,"

Fear, serve and honor you,

"Vous vueil jusques au morir, dame sans per."

Until death, peerless lady.

Virgo raised her eye brows at Aries, who looked innocently at the floor as Loke continued with his performance of Guillaume de Machaut. His voice shook with every dip in the road, but the girl clearly didn't mind- Lucy could only hope Loke was serious. He'd broken many hearts and she would have hated to see a sweet girl like Aries hurt because of his fun.

"We're stopping off in Stornoway for the night, so we'll be stopping in around fifteen minutes." Loke called, having reached the end of his song.

Lucy's POV

I blew a strand of hair from my face, wondering how bad the journey would leave me looking. Not that it mattered; the only place I intended to go was bed. I loosened the shawl around my shoulders- Stornoway was effected by the same almost constant heat as Magnolia so I didn't need the thick wool to keep me safe from the February cold. Crux sneezed- he probably felt the cold even in the sunlight, considering his age. It was unusual to see him awake, and I think the only reason we employ him is sentiment. He's been running the stables since my Father was a boy, and likes to say he'll be running them until the horses all drop dead at which point he'll happily retire.

Although exactly why the horses would all drop dead I'm not sure. Maybe Crux plans in poisoning their feed when he's ready to quit.

I was so lost in thought that somehow we'd reached Stornoway without my knowledge, so when I finally snapped out of my daydream we were driving through a bustling street. We passed a bakery that proudly displayed strawberry cake in it's window, and a pub outside which a young woman with long brown hair was drinking and laughing despite it being only four in the afternoon. I closed my eyes, too tired to take in so much movement and colour.

I didn't open my eyes until the carriage had stopped moving outside an inn- 'The Blue Cat'. It was clearly designed for the upper class, unlike the place Natsu and Happy were staying all those weeks ago. Loke opened the door, helping me then Virgo down. When it came to Aries, he held her hand a second too long and gave a smile that was warmer than necessary.

A servant hurried to help with our luggage whilst a stable hand took the horses to the stables round the back. I walked to the door, lifting my skirt a little to avoid the dirt, with the maids on either side of me. Crux walked a few paces behind, surveying the area with his wise, wrinkled eyes.

The foyer was pleasant enough, though nothing life changing, and the young white haired woman who hurried to assist us had a beautiful yet forced smile.

"Heartfillia, I presume? Please follow me to your suite for the night." As she began to walk, somebody called her back.

"Mira!" she glanced back for barely a second.

"Not now, Elfman." She continued to lead the way, leaving the white haired man standing in the hallway. They both looked shattered, with bruise like rings beneath their eyes and slumped shoulders. I wanted to ask what was wrong but I got the impression it was personal- she seemed to keep her life behind the mask of a sweet smile and friendly eyes. Instead, I followed in silence- an uncomfortable silence that weighed heavily on us all. The only noise was the swish of skirts on the floor and occasional creaking of the floor boards.

We stopped in front of a door, and Mira turned with a sad smile.

"You'll be staying here." Her voice broke a little as she spoke, and I couldn't hold back my curiosity any longer.

"Is there something I could help you with?" I asked cautiously, reaching out to touch her arm. Mira looked up at me in surprise. Our eyes met, and for a few seconds there was silence.
"I... I..." Mira looked away and I watched as her fingers clenched and unclenched and her eyes brimmed with tears.
"You can trust me." I assured her, and finally she began to talk.
"It's just my sister, Lisanna. She's ill and there's nothing we can do. It doesn't matter, there's nothing you can do either. It's useless." she choked on the last word, and I felt my heart clench.
"There must be something? What's the illness?"
"I say illness but it's...more like a curse. Do you know about," she lowered her voice, as if afraid of speaking the words, "Fairy Tail?"
My blood turned cold.
Everyone knew about Fairy Tail.
"Lisanna picked up a beautiful comb in the market and she showed it to me. I told her to treat herself, so she bought it. Then, when we got back, I offered to style her hair with it." Mira had to pause as a sob forced its way out of her chapped lips.
"It wasn't your fault." a deep voice sounded behind us and I turned my head to see the man from before- Elfman. He walked over to Mira and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, offering support to the crying girl.
"After only a few strokes, the comb began to leave faint traces of grey in Lisanna's hair, and although I didn't originally notice it was soon impossible to miss. So I pulled the comb away. I showed Lisanna in a mirror and she was as confused as I was, but instead of being angry or upset she laughed and joked that she'd be able to pretend she was an old lady and get up to all sorts of mischief. But then suddenly, her eyes rolled up into her head and she fell to the floor and the colour drained out of her face. I screamed and Elfman came running."
"When I heard Mira scream I ran to Lisanna's room and there was my youngest sister on the floor, and my other shaking her shoulders and sobbing uncontrollably. I fetched the doctor immediately but it was too late. Lisanna was already gone."
Aries pressed her palm to her mouth as her eyes filled with tears. I felt my own eyes water as I watched tears begin to flow down Elfman's cheeks.
"You said she was ill, cursed, not dead." Virgo stepped forwards, addressing the siblings. Mira nodded.
"We showed the comb to the doctor and after only a glance he gasped and demanded I dropped it, which I did. Then he asked how I'd come across it and when I told him he started shaking his head."
Elfman took over.
"He told us it was the Snow comb."
I immediately recognised the name, as did my two maids. Seeing the realisation on our faces, Mira could only nod.
A fairy weapon.

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