Chapter 5

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Chapter 5

Third Person POV
Lucy could remember how the story of the Fairy weapons had haunted her childhood. It had struck fear through her heart whenever her Mother recited the tale.
"Once this world had magic," her Mother would begin, lifting her daughter onto her knee as she sat before the fire, "and that magic was used for good. There were many wizard guilds where those particularly talented mages could gather together, form teams, and go on quests against evil together. But there are always to be bad people mixed in with the good, and that is how dark guilds came about.
"The most powerful guild by far was one that went by the name of Fairy Tail. The Fairies were both incredibly talented and incredibly good- they fought for the weak and the innocent; Fairy Tail was truly a beacon of hope.
"One day, however, a beloved member of their family was stollen from them- a girl who, like you, was named Lucy. She died fighting to protect her friends, and her loss left a deep wound in this legendary guild.
"And slowly, a kind of sickness began to spread through the Fairies. They became selfish and power hungry- they turned dark, and began to call themselves the Fey. Lucy's closest friends, however, stayed true to Fairy Tail's original beliefs. When they saw what was happening to their beloved guild, they tried their best to talk to the others. It ended in a fight, and the group fled from the guild hall.
All was quiet for a week, until the Fey began to march through the city of Magnolia- the place they'd protected and called home since the guild was founded.
Everything burned.
The sky was black with smoke as the fire raged through Magnolia, leaving destruction and ash as it went. The fire burnt out, and so did any hope that the Fey had some good left in them.
Now the Fairies were devastated at what their former friends had done- what magic had done. There were too few of them to fight, they said, but deep down they just couldn't bare to hurt their comrades.
And so they asked the fateful question; should man have such power?
Magic, when used for good, was a wonderful thing- it brought people together and was a huge part of the lives of each and every citizen. The flip side to that coin, however, was that when used with evil intentions, magic was destructive and cruel. For centuries there had been dark mages and dark guilds, and the world had coped, but against a group like Fairy Tail?
Nobody knows how they did it, but the Fairies chose to eliminate magic from Earthland. But before they did so, they locked their powers into six magical weapons, in case magic was ever needed to rid the world of evil again.

The Snow Comb- a comb that, when used, froze the body in that moment of time, keeping the victim alive but unaware.

The Diadem of Dreams- a tiara that, when worn, allowed the user to see into both what was to happen and what had happened in the past.

The Staff of Sentencing- A terrifying weapon which had the ability to force the holders enemies to do their will.

The Truth Ring- A ring that allowed the wearer to detect the lies of others, and also to see the deepest desires of others.

The Skies Fury- A blade that could summon ferocious storms, unimaginable cold and unforgiving heat.

The Stone of the Healer, or the Miracle Stone- A beautiful necklace from which hung a rare stone, and held the ability to erase all illnesses (both physical and mental) from those who were deserving.

Because their magic was locked deep inside these objects, they retained their power even when all other magic vanished from this land. It is fabled that these objects are still hidden, scattered across the land far from greedy eyes. Only those with good intentions are able to find these weapons, but when they do their power can be used by whoever holds them.
These are the Fairy Weapons; five wondrous yet horrifying weapons that, when all are possessed by one wicked hand, have to ability to destroy all that is good in this world.

Lucy had never believed the tale, but now- seeing the seriousness of Mira's expression- she wondered if perhaps it were true.
And, if the Snow Comb truly had found its way into the market place, what did it mean?

Lucy's POV
Suddenly, I was broken from my thoughts by a piercing scream.
Shouts followed.
Elfman was already running out of the inn, Mira hot on his heels, as the sounds of confusion escalated into chaos.
A rumble of thunder.
The blinding flash of lightening.
"M-my lady?" Virgo's voice was filled with uncharacteristic fear as she looked to me for instructions. She nodded to Aries, who has her eyes clamped shut and her hands pressed against her ears as she cowered against the wall, shaking.
I was searching for something to say, something to comfort them, when Loke's voice rang down the corridor.
"Where are you? Aries?"
"Here! We're hear!" I yelled back, grabbing the hands of my maids- it took some force to remove Aries from her ear- and setting off at a run, our cases forgotten. I let go of their hands as we hurtled down the stairs, and as the walls shook with thunder once again Aries let out a tiny sob.
There was Loke, waiting for us, soaking wet with his eyes fixed on one girl in particular. He shocked us all by sweeping Aries into his arms, as if she weighed nothing, and yelled for us to follow him- which we did without asking any questions. When we left the safety of The Blue Cat, my mouth fell open and I let out a tiny gasp.
"Oh Gods..." Virgo whispered from beside me, as we each took in the sight.
The street was un turmoil, people running and shrieking and knocking each other over as they went. Huge, scolding drops of rain fell from the sky, stinging my skin as they burnt me. The two horses who had pulled my were waiting, their eyes rolling back into their heads with fear, their panicked whinnies mixing with all the other sounds that filled the dark sky.
And it was dark- darker than even the blackest night.
"We'll have to sit two to a horse. Lady Lucy, do you still ride?" Loke had swung Aries onto the back of a dark brown stallion, and was stroking the poor creatures nose eith one hand whilst using the other as a shield, protecting it's sensitive forehead from the boiling rain. 
"Of course," I replied, and was glad to see a horse I knew waiting for me and Virgo. The horses were unsaddled, but I'd gons bare backed before. Loke helped us scramble up onto the horses back, and we were about to canter away from whatever this chaos was when I saw Mira with a girl similar to herself swung over her back. Lisanna.
"Mira!" I called, and her tearful eyes sought out mine.
"Miss, we have to go," Loke warned from where he sat in front of Aries.
Elfman appeared from the stable with a dappled grey mare in tow, and took Lisanna from Mira, carefully lifting the unaware girl onto the horses broad back. He gave Mira a leg up behind her, and she wrapped her arms around her sister, holding her in place and taking hold of the horses leather reins.
"Elfman, you can fit too," she pleaded, but he just shook his head.
"I'll go on foot, don't worry. Now take this and flee." he tucked a velvet pouch into a small satchel swung over her shoulder.
"Follow me!" Loke yelled out to her and to us, and Elfman gave Mira's horse a slap to get it going.
And so we followed Loke through the crowded streets, our horses needing no instructions to hurry as they flew out of the town. Everything was a blur, and the only thing really remember is Virgo's voice as she prayed to whatever God's she knew of in a tongue I didn't recognise.

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