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"I'm sick of it, Al!"

Miles threw himself on the couch and pinched the bridge of his nose. He didn't like having arguments with Alex, but when it was needed, it happened.

Alex slammed the front door and sighed. "Look, Mi, please don't be upset. You see me kiss her all the time."

"And you think I don't get mad with myself?!" Miles exclaimed, standing up. "It's bad on her, what we have. She doesn't know anything, so what if she found out one day?! It would ruin her, Al!"

"Why do you care so much, Miles?!" Alex was now shouting. Miles wouldn't be surprised if they received a noise complaint.

"What would you do if you found out she was cheating on you? What would you do then?"

"This isn't cheating, Miles."

"It is and you know it." Miles spat his words with venom, making sure Alex would taste every last drop.

"You never had a problem with it before. Why now?"

"Well maybe I've had enough of being the bit on the side. You have to choose, Al, it's me or her!" Miles didn't like what he was saying. But it was true, Alex was doing wrong, and Miles was part of it.

"Is what we have not enough for you?" Alex asked, raising his voice again.

"No, it isn't! I either want you to myself, or she has you, and there'll be no more us."

Alex's eyes were brimming with tears. "Mi, you know I could never choose between you."

"Then don't have any of us."

Alex grabbed his jacket. "This was fine before. You were more than happy to be my secret boyfriend, and now all of a sudden you can't do it? What's changed, Miles?"

"I fell in love with you, that's what changed!" Miles blurted out.

Alex stopped in his tracks. He stared up at Miles, who was ashamed of how vulnerable he was being. "You mean-"

"Al, it's fine. I just...I kind of fancied you from the start. So when you asked me, back then, I was more than happy to do it. But I've realised, this is wrong. We can't both have you. It'll never work out." Miles explained, a weight lifting off his shoulders.

Alex breathed slowly, shrugging his jacket on his shoulders. "Okay. I understand. Maybe it's best. That we...we just-"

"Stay friends." Miles interrupted, grimacing.

"Friends." Alex repeated.

"Where are you gonna go?" Miles asked.

Alex grabbed his keys. "Gonna see her. Probably best."

"Yeah." Miles nodded. He looked back down. Next thing he knew, the door was opening and closing.

And he burst into tears.

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