Chapter 5 - Barrelling Towards Death

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"Captain," Harrold said with determination, "please order every available hand to place as many barrels as possible on the deck of the ship."

"Barrels?" the Captain asked, looking incredulously at the wizard, "Why on Earth would we do such a thing?"

Harrold froze. He had, obviously, expected the need for explanation, but that didn't make it any less difficult to come up with a reasonable answer. "I'm afraid I can't explain. You'll have to trust that this is our only and best option. Consider it a wizard's secret if that helps."

Harrold clearly wasn't entirely convincing as the Captain looked at him strangely. "I would highly prefer an open discussion when it comes to situations like these, but..." he paused as he looked towards the giant creature, "given our circumstances, it doesn't seem like I have a choice in the matter."

For a fleeting moment, Harrold thought he noticed anger in the man's face, perhaps even something worse than anger. He couldn't be sure as the Captain's accessories made it hard to notice such details.

"I shall trust that your request has reason to it, but know that I do not appreciate this secrecy," the Captain said.

He turned around and ordered his men just like Harrold requested. After a short pause, Harrold turned to face Pat. "I'll need you to grab a... harpoon or spear. Preferably one with a sturdy handle. We'll also need a... longish rope. Oh, and find me a short sword or dagger, might come in handy."

Harrold hated both giving and receiving vague instructions, but Pat didn't seem to mind. He handed Harrold one of his own spare daggers before he went on his way for the other items. As the first barrels were placed down on deck, Harrold quickly sat down in a meditative pose and closed his eyes. Sweat started to build upon his forehead. Stay calm, Harrold. You'll have to hold on for a while.

A short while later the deck was filled with barrels and Pat had returned with the requested items. The Captain and Pat were shocked at Harrold's condition. He had rapidly turned into the world's first humanoid waterfall as sweat was streaming down in huge quantities.

"Is he quite alright?" the Captain asked Pat.

"I think he might be preparing some magic spell," Pat whispered back loudly.

"Magic must be astonishingly intense," the Captain said in response, somehow managing to sound both sarcastic and awed at the same time.

"I need everyone besides Pat... to get below deck... Now!" Harrold shouted, his voice heavily strained. His head was twitching sporadically and his hands started shaking. This might be too many.

The Captain grumbled a bit but was quick to react. "Do as the man says! Below--" he looked behind him, "Oh."

The sailors had already disappeared from deck. Given their last encounter with the kraken, they were more than happy to let someone else take care of this situation. Flying krakens sounded like something a wizard should deal with anyway. Sailors had their own important things to deal with, like drinking while waiting for someone else to take care of issues.

"Makerspeed, fine gentlemen," the Captain said to Harrold and Pat as he made his way to the stairs, "We shall always remember you, if we don't kick the bucket ourselves that is." He left the pair alone on deck with the large assembly of barrels.

"He's a real positive fellow, ain't he?" Pat remarked, not being sarcastic in the slightest.

It was silent for a while as Harrold struggled to maintain his sanity. This was a common occurrence for Harrold, but this time was a bit different. Finally Pat spoke up hesitatingly, "So, what's the plan here Harrold?"

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