Dick Grayson

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*They wake up in a warehouse*
Sam: Oh shit not again
Elena: Why do we keep getting kidnapped
Madeline: Fucking karma. I shouldve never took that free candy from the front desk
Oliver: Shut up madeline
Madelive: Oh suck it daniel
Oliver: OLIVER
Oliver: Madeline Diana
Madeline: Oh so clever
Dick: Both of you shush. Jeez, for brother and sister you two really go at each others throats
Elena: Who the hell are you
Dick: A friend. I’m here to help you
Oliver: Great
Dick: You all were kidnapped by Dr. Parker. The triplets were right about that. What they didnt know is that Dr. Parker made two groups. His plans were to make a hero group and a villain group. You guys are hybrids. Hybrids of who, i have no idea. But with the slightly illegal equipment the triplets have in their celler, we can find out.
Pepper: How do you know about the lab
Robin: I know everything I need to know. Nothing creepy or anything, just things like your lab, your parents, your friends, your schedule.
Salt: Stalker much
Dick: Ah, she’s feisty, see why you like her oliver
Oliver: Your gonna untie us dude
Dick: Oh yeah, Abigail!
Abigail: Coming dick
Allison: Abigail, what the hell are you doing here
Elena: Isn’t she that chick you were taking to at school
Abigail: Yeah, i’m abigail silk. A.K.A abigail parker
Sam: Parker? What are you like his daughter or sum
Abigail: Yeah actually. After he ran off, he met a woman named chanelle silk. They had me and my brother hooligan. Don't question the name. Him and my mother got a divorce and my dad got custody of me and my brother. He treated my brother like a king but me like shit. Abuse, sexual harassment. My mom was able to just get custody but I ran off to dick so he can help me get rid of my dad. Yet, my dad had involved dick with his experiments
Dick: Since i’m a friend of her mothers, it was easy for parker to get a DNA sample from me. Yet, unlike the others, i found out what he did and I was planning on locking this guy up for good. But with my reputation, it would be kinda dangerous
Allison: I can't believe your moms friends with Nightwing
Sam: I can't believe we're actually meeting Nightwing
Dick: Cool right
Abigail: Long story short, you guys have to lock up my dad and fight off the hybrid villains.
Oliver: Holy shit
Sam: Fight?
Abigail: Come on guys. Gotham really needs your help. My dad is one genius but it's easy to take him down. Yet, his villains will be way harder to stop.
Pepper: So all you want is allison, xander, oliver, madeline, sam, and elena?
Dick: No actually, we need all of you
Parsely: All?
Dick: You guys are a very genius friend group.
*Everyone shakes their head*
Dick: All of you are important. Not just the hybrids.
Abigail: Parsley is the designer, pepper is the artist, salt is the engineer, parker is the research, frankie j is the scientist, and mclovin is the hack. Speaking of mclovin, where is he
Dick: The kids like 14, we’ll introduce ourselves when we get back to the lab
Oliver: Dude?
Madeline: What he’s not lying. We’ll call mclovin and tell him to meet us in the lab
Abigail: Speaking of lab, we gotta go. Cuz your powers are coming tomorrow and i’m sure you wanna study on that.
Frankie J: Yeah, i gotta find out who you guys are hybrids of

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