New You

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(Elena’s room)
Elena: Xander...Oh god
*She calls madeline*
Madeline: hello?
Elena: I fucked up
Madeline: What happened
Elena: Xander came over and we were just chillin and talking. Then he called me beautiful and kissed me
Madeline: Did you not want him too?
Elena: NO it was great but when he realized what he was doing he got scared and left. And i couldn’t get my words out before he morphed and ran off
Madeline: Wait xander never acts like that
Elena: I know. It was like one second he was confident, the next he was insecure
Madeline: Oh shit
Elena: What
Madeline: It’s like almost 10 o’clock elena. Our personalities are starting to come
Elena: Ooooh
Madeline: Get to the lab now
Elena: Got it
*They all are in the lab*
*Elena sees xander*
Elena: Hey
Xander: I'm sorry elena
Elena: It's fine
Xander: In the beginning everything was normal. Like i was actually telling you how I felt. Then my mind just took a big loop
Elena: I think it’s your personalities, maybe beast boy was insecure
Xander: *Laughs*
Elena: Come on let’s get to the lab
*They all go to the lab*
Frankie J: Ok sam, time for me to hook you up
Sam: Ha sounded like your tryin to hook me up... Like on a date... That sounded funnier in my head
Frankie J: Don't worry, it was kinda funny
Sam: Thanks
Frankie J: Hey sam do you wanna go get pizza or sum after all this
Sam: What
Frankie J: Like a date...After you fight crime
Sam: I would love to! I mean yeah i’ll um check my calendar. Probably gonna be free after we put um dr. parker in jail and stuff.
Frankie J: Cool
Allison: Thanks for helping us abigail
Abigail: It's no biggie. I just need to put that man away for good
Allison: Yeah... Did he ever do experiments on you
Abigail: Um yeah, since I was born
Allison: Are you a hybrid too
Abigail: Um no, he just made me the basics. Intelligence, super strength, telepathy
Allison: Huh
Abigail: Huh?
Allison: Your telepathic
Abigail: Yeah, it's not a big deal
Allison: Well no I mean you are in a room full of fucking hybrids
Abigail: Yeah...
Allison: Wait have you ever used that in a fight
Abigail: Once or twice,,, Now get some rest, were really in for it tomorrow
*Abigail leaves*
Allison: Yep, i’m in love with her
Abigail: Heard that
Allison: Oh my god
*They all go to sleep*
*Next morning*
Pepper: Everyone wake up… We gotta get this information
Parsley: Madeline how are you
Madeline: *Brooklyn voice* Well except for having an experience of the massive headache I'm doing the good
Frankie J: Hmm Brooklyn voice
Parker: Madeline is a Harley quinn, Wonder Woman, and Starfire hybrid
Salt: Open room pepper
Pepper: Opening
Parsley: Oliver how are you
Oliver: Fine (deep voice)
*salt quivers cause of his voice*
Salt: Wow Oliver. That's some deep pipes bro
Parker: You made that sound really sexual
Salt: Oh shut up Parker and focus
Parker: Uhhhh Batman. The one syllable sentences kinda gives it away
Parsley: How are you feeling Sam
Sam: The darkness is coming. And it's not gonna leave me alone
Frankie J: Dramatic and serious. What do you think
Parker: Obviously from the bat family. I'm guessing Batgirl and Nightwing
Dick: Huh
Parker: Dick.. You are the father
Dick: He's not my kid
Parsley: How are you Allison
Allison: So yummy, kinda feel like I need a breaking. Abigail, you wanna go out tonight
*Abigail smiles*
Parker: A seductive lesbian?
Frankie J: Some people say batwoman's lesbian
Parker: Well the most seductive people I can think of are the sirens
Frankie J: So that cancels out poison ivy and Harley Quinn
Both: Catwoman
Parsley: Xander how are you
Xander: Hella Gucci, got any buzz?
Parker: Yeah that makes sense
Parsley: Elena how are you
Elena: Eh *rolls her eyes*
Parker: That makes sense too
Salt: Ok come on out guys. We gotta a lot of planning to do
Madeline: For what
Salt: Because you all have the holidays coming up and the court thing for Maddy
*Madeline flashes back*
Madeline: Nah fuck that… I'm gonna get them to dismiss the case
Oliver: Are you insane Madeline
Madeline: I WANT THIS FUCKER FOR. MYSELF. I want to make him suffer on my own
Salt: That's actually not a bad idea
Oliver: And who are you telling her that
Oliver: Don't try to be my challenge…It's not working
Salt: Oh just wait
Parker: Salt meet Batman example 1
Salt and Oliver: Huh
Parker: That was Batmans personality. Your serious as fuck and takes everything aggressively
Oliver: What ever *walks off*
Salt: What a dick, I'm interested
Parker: That's just weird
Abigail: Okay….. Um so we're officially done with the transformation stages. Now on to the life stages
Dick: Yes, the life stages is basic. We have to find a way for you guys to disguise yourself in public, help discover more of your powers, and train for the actual fight
Elena: Seems harsh
Dick: Yeah I know, but your hybrids. So use brain power times 3 and figure it out.
Abigail: Me and dick have some business to take care of for a while so you all have to Friday to figure out a disguise
Allison: Friday?
Abigail: Yep, bye guys
*They leave*

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