The Book

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Parsley: It's still early. Maybe we can find something at the mall
Xander: That's actually a good idea
Oliver: Fine, everyone in the van. Salt gets shotgun
Salt: Oh did Mr. Batsy realize he fucked up
Oliver: That, and I got a little x-ray under your clothes and realized I'm fucked without you
Salt: X-ray?
Parker: Superman
Salt: Oh
*They all leave*
*Back seat*
Xander: I'm sorry again
Elena: It's fine, I should've spoke faster
Xander: Nah I should've never kissed you
Elena: Well I kinda liked it
Xander: What
Elena: Yeah, it was perfect
Xander: Wow
*At the mall; They split up*
(Madeline in glasses store)
Madeline: Hi, do you have anything that can cover up my eyes
Cashier: I never seen people with green eyes but this might work the same
Madeline: Eye drops?
Cashier: Strongest in the world….Only 5 dollars
Madeline: Lit
(Oliver at clothing store)
Oliver: I don't know why we're in here
Salt: Cuz everyone in this group has something to cover up, including you
Oliver: Which is?
Salt: When in pain or anger, your hands glow green.
Oliver: Ah
Salt: Which doesn't sound like much an issue but your always angry so…
Oliver: So what do I need… Gloves?
Salt: Exactly
Oliver: Over there
Salt: Perfect, we're getting them
(Sam and Allison in clothing store)
Sam: Ok so we both need baggy clothes because?
Allison: Out of the whole group, our bodies changed the most. I mean I used to be huge and now I'm just slim with a touch of thick. My parents are gonna think I found a speed version of anorexia
Sam: Well I guess my shape got more girly
Allison: See, and your dad already caught you in makeup it would make it worse for him to think your taking hormone pills now
Sam: That bastard would murder me
Allison: So baggy clothes
Sam: Mhm
(Xander in Sephora)
Xander: Tanner, Tanner, Tanner, ah self Tanner
Cashier: That's a lot of tanner.
Xander: Honey… I'm green okay, I'm gonna need a lot self tanner. Just ring it up
Cashier: Alright
(Elena in bookstore)
Elena: Ugh there's nothing in here on this Parker guy
Old lady: Ah young lady
Old lady: I know who you are
Elena: Huh
Old lady: Tu hablas espanol?
Elena: Si
Old lady: Hola Elena, mi llama Sophia. Ven conmigo
*they walk*
Sophia: Mi hijo es el Diablo.
Elena: What!
Sophia: Tranquilo! Espera privacidad
Elena: Ok lady were alone. Now can you please tell me what's going on
Sophia: My son, somehow a man was able to get a hold of his dna. That man then transfered it to you. My son naturally didn't care yet he saw something in you. So he sent me to help you
Elena: I thought he died
Sophia: He did darling, he still keeps communications with me though
Elena: How are you gonna help me
Sophia: All my son wanted me to do was find you and give you this book.
Elena: It's a spell book
Sophia: It will help you and your friends
Elena: Huh… Thanks
Sophia: I have to go, but you keep that. Your gonna need it. Adios Elena
Elena: Goodbye Sophia
Allison: Elena what you readin there
Elena: Diablo…. His mother gave this to me. She said it could help me and my friends
Sam: Maybe we can try a few spells to hide powers.
Elena: I think I found it
Oliver: Well I  that case let's go. We have a day before the case. We need as much help as possible
*at the trips house*
Elena: Ok, put one belonging in the box.
Xander: Are you sure this will work
Elena: One way to find out
Elena: *inhale exhale* Azarath Pyrochantress
*lights flicker; Things start to break; Demons start roaming the house*
Allison: What's going on
Sam: Holy shit
Oliver: Everyone get away
Xander: ELENA
*Salt runs up*
Oliver: What the hell are you doing salt
Madeline: Salt come back
*she puts a belt on; Back to normal*
Madeline: Woah
Elena: What the fuck was that
Salt: Well, since you are mixed with three demons, I created a belt that stops you from getting to that level. The belt won't stop you from fighting and killing your enemies but if you take it off, your gonna kill both your friends and enemies
Elena: Oh god
Salt: Yeah try to keep the belt on for as much as possible. And try to stay from your triggers
Elena: Trigger?
Salt: Your personal chant, anger, and sadness
Madeline: Are you okay
Elena: Yeah I'm fine
Sam: Well at least the spell worked
Oliver: Huh
Allison: Oh shit, it did
Elena: The spell only last for 12 hours every day
Oliver: Long enough
Madeline: Well looks like we mastered stage 1
Allison: Now we just have to master court

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