Aliens Vigilantes Demons

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*Back at the lab*
Frankie J: Ok you all are hooked up and ready to go
Oliver: So how’s this gonna work again?
Salt: Your gonna go to sleep, then when you wake up with your powers we’re gonna run a few reaction test. Then when we collect our studies, parker can determine which hero you guys are.
Oliver: Cool
*They all go to bed*
*Madeline wakes up*
Pepper: Good morning madeline
Madeline: Morning pepper
Pepper: Ok maddy I need you to explain how your feeling
Madeline: Well my eyes burn like hell again, I feel kinda loose, aaand i’m floating. Thats uh that's new
Pepper: Ok good. Can you try to come back down
Madeline: I think so
*She steps on a pin*
Madeline: AHHHHH (Levitates, blows green lasers, shoots eye rays, foot heals)
Pepper, parsley, parker, and frankie: Whoa
Madeline: Sorry guys.
Parsley: No no that was great.
Parker: Ok so far i got starfire because of the green rays. But wonder woman seems accurate yet kinda trippy. Ask her if her foot healed yet
Pasley: Has your foot healed madeline
Madeline: Oh my god yeah
Parker: Ok madeline is a hybrid of starfire and harley
Frankie J: That's it. I’m getting three components on my scales
Pepper: Maybe she’s mixed with a vigilante
Frankie J: Oh yes that could work
Parker: Well if she was mixed with a vigilante, we won’t get that to study that until stage 3
Parsley: Wait why not
Pepper: Cuz if it's just a regular human, she wont get powers from them but will get personality similarities
Parker: Right
Pepper: Oh olivers waking up
Oliver: Ugh
Salt: Hey babe
Oliver: Morning salt
Salt: Ok olly, i’m gonna need you to explain how your feeling.
Oliver: Well my eyes burn, my hands burn, and i’m floating... That's something
Salt: Alright
*Steps on the pin*
Oliver: AHHH
(Levitation, eye rays, green projects of a needle)
Parker: Ah easy, superman, green lantern obviously, and vigilante
Pepper: I’m gonna just take a guess everyone has three right
Frankie: Yeah
*Allison wakes up*
Parsley: Hey allison
Allison: Hey parsley
Parsley: OK tell me how your feeling
Allison: Um my throat kinda hurts
*Steps on pin*
Allison: (Black canary screech)
Frankie: Ah, that one hurt
Allison: Jeez, what the hell was that
Parker: That was black canary's scream
Allison: Cool
Dick: You guys are really good
Abigail: Yeah
Salt: Thanks, we all meet in 9th grade year and just been breaking into shit ever since
Dick: Breaking in? You know i’m a cop right
Salt: Yeah a cop who kidnapped 12 minors that you’ve been stalking for weeks
Dick: That's fair
Salt: Yeah
Mclovin: Your nightwing right?
Dick: I never told you that
Mclovin: Yeah it’s kinda easy to figure out though
Dick: How so?
Mclovin: Well I mean you are dick grayson. Which is the last survivor of the flying graysons accident. You were adopted by bruce wayne who is obviously batman
Dick: How did you know that
Mclovin: Bruce wayne is the richest man in gotham. Last month he bought a lykan hypersport which is a 3.4 million car. That same week batman was spotted in his batmobile. The batmobile in my guess would be around 2 million or more. And no one in gotham makes a similar profit to bruce wayne so he’s batman
Dick: Impressive little man.
Mclovin: So you're obviously part of the bat family, and looking at your physic and age, i’m guessing nightwing
Dick: Your the um hacker
Madeline: You know it
Dick: I got my eye on you kid
Mclovin: That's funny
Pepper: Ok good morning sam
Sam: Hey pepper
Pepper: Alright can you explain how your feeling
Sam: Kinda feel like my insides are jumping 50 miles per hour
Pepper: Weird but ok
Sam: And i- WHOA
*Steps on the pin*
*Stricks lightning and runs into the glass wall*
Pepper: Sam? You ok buddy?
Sam: Nah i’m fine. The pin broke my fall
Parker: Flash
Frankie J: And?
Parker: The guy ran into the wall in under 1 second literally and shot lightning. That's flash
Salt: Maybe there’s two vigilantes in him
Dick: Better be some pretty strong vigilantes cuz that boy is small
Sam: Yeah dick, i can hear you
Parsley: Hello Xander
Xander: Hey guys
Parsley: Ok just tell me how your feeling
Xander: Great, i feel so free and loose. Just wanna swing arou-
*Parsley giggles*
Xander: I'm a monkey aren't i
Parsley: That's correct
Xander: Oh my gosh
*Steps on the pin*
Xander: AHHH
(Turns into a gorilla, shoots thorns from his back, and sprays water )
Parker: Holy shit
Frankie J: Not the time to fanboy parker. Who is it
Parker: How can you not tell. He turned into an animal, made thorns shoot out, and even created water from nothing. He’s basically father nature himself. He’s beast boy, aquaman, and poison ivy.
Frankie J: That's impressive
Xander: Um can someone drain the water in here
Pepper: Drain water!
Parsley: Draining water
Xander: Um thanks
Pepper: Somehow he got his powers a bit early
Frankie J: Maybe with what he's mixed with, that is considered appearance.
Pepper: Could be
Parsley: Alrighty, morning elena
Elena: Hi
Parsley: How do you feel
Elena: My head hurts like crazy, and i’m burning all over.
Frankie J: Damn, her heart rate is all over the place
Salt: What the hell is going on
*Red alarms go off; things break*
Frankie J: It's elena, there’s something wrong with her
Parker: Oh shit, i know who she is
Frankie J: Wait how
Parker: Elena be careful there's a-
*Elena steps on the pin*
Parker: Pin... Alright cover your eyes and ears
(Levitation, black fire, and roaming demons coming from her)
Parsley: What the hell was that
Parker: THAT was raven, enchantress, and el diablo in one teenage girls body
Salt: Oh my god. Those are all basically demons
Parker: Yeah keep a eye on her
Parsley: Are you ok
Elena: yep, i'm fine
Parsley: Cool
*Pepper unlocks the study cases*
Oliver: I’m gonna go get breakfast
Madeline: Oh go to mel’s
Oliver: You got it
*Oliver leaves*
Frankie J: Ok so me and parker are gonna stay down here for a while and bring you guys some answers in like 30 minutes
Elena: Well i’m gonna go watch TV
Xander: I’m with you
*Everyone goes upstairs*
Dick: Pepper, parsley, Salt
Both: Yeah dick?
Dick: Stay down here too
Frankie J: Wait why
Dick: Um the hybrids have to fight Dr. Parker and the league somehow. And they're gonna need special suits
Frankie J: Suits?
Parker: Yess
Parsley: Well if i can collect the all the information by tomorrow I can start on sketching.
Pepper: And I can get em done hella quick
Salt: And i can make a few weapons
Dick: Great. So frankie, what do you got
Frankie: Well everyone basically have 3 separate DNA. We thought there would only be heroes but it looks like they can have villains too. So I separated them into groups
Parker: Aliens, Demons, and vigilantes
Frankie J: The only complete hybrids we’ve discovered are elena and xander
Parker: Which happen to be the most dangerous of the group
Abigail: Yeah it seems like everyone is evened out with a vigilante, a human.
Dick: And why don't we know who the vigilantes are again
Frankie J: Because if they're humans, they won't give the hybrids any power but strength. Which isn't very visible. We won't know the vigilantes until tomorrow
Parker: Which will be kinda complicated since i specialize more in determining powers than personalities.
Mclovin: Aren't one of these guys gonna be a hybrid of you
Dick: Yeah one of em
Mclovin: That's gonna be a mess
*Dick rolls his eyes*
*They go upstairs*
Frankie J: Ok is everyone here. Where oliver
Oliver: Over here
Frankie J: Ok, so we got some news
Pepper: You all fall under the category of alien, vigilante, or demon
Parsley: There's three dna is each of you but we were only able to detect the alien and demon
Salt: We won't get the vigilante that evens out you guys until tomorrow
Frankie J: Dr. Parker did a good job at putting a vigilante in all of you yet, there are 2 people who were combined with all alien and demon.
Parker: And they are the most dangerous out of the group
Oliver: And those two are
Salt: We can tell you guys but you can’t think of them any differently.
Madeline: Don't worry we won't. Just tell us
Pepper: It’s elena and xander
Elena: What
Xander: HUH

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