Chapter One

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Hey, what's up? So, I'm Scarlett Dawn. I am 17, I have black dyed hair with blue and purple tips that's down to about my mid back. I have light green eyes and I'm not girly. Hmm, what am I forgetting? Oh yeah! I'm the lead singer in a punk rock band called Checkered Hearts. Don't look at me like that. I didn't come up with the name. Now, come along children, let's learn about the other members in the band.

Alice, our drummer and the only girl in our band besides me, made the name up. She wanted to have something that appealed to girls but was also a little bit edgy. So, she made up the name Checkered Hearts and we've kept it ever since then. If you've ever met Alice, then you'd know she's pretty girly. But I don't think you have met her, so let me tell you about her. She is 16 with shoulder length black hair that has yellow streaks in it and blue eyes. Doesn't sound girly does she? Believe me, she is. She loves to shop and dress up. I mean, I love shopping too, but the only stores I ever go in are Hot Topic, Vans, and sometimes the skate board store to get my board fixed.

Axel, which is our bass player, is probably my favorite in the band. Nah, I'm kidding. But he is like my best friend. We look out for each other and tell each other everything. He's pretty quiet otherwise and doesn't really like to attract attention. He is 18 years old, he's the oldest out of all of us. He has black hair with red tips. In fact, everyone in our band has black hair. All except Caleb. Speaking of which, why don't we talk about him.

So our lead guitarist's name is Caleb. He is 17 years old too. He is the only one in the band with a different color hair. He has platinum blonde hair with a red and purple streak. He's also pretty close to me, I guess he would be considered like a brother or something. Caleb is rarely ever serious when we're off stage. He's pretty loud and loves to laugh. One of his many hobbies is cracking jokes along with our rythem guitarist, Tyler.

Tyler and Caleb have been best friends since second grade. Caleb, Tyler, and I are all 17 while Alice is the youngest and Axel is the oldest obviously. Anyway, Tyler and Caleb are always cracking jokes, pulling pranks, and goofing off, except when we're performing. Then that's the only time they're serious. Once we're off stage, then it's back to laughing and yelling. Tyler is like another brother too. Actually we're all family to each other. Anyway... Tyler has plain black hair with fringe. All of the guys in the band have fringe, it's kind of funny actually.

So yeah. Those are all of the members. Oh, maybe I should mention some of our favorite bands? Well, we're all pretty big fans of Black Veil Brides. But Axel and I also like Sleeping with Sirens, Falling in Reverse, and Pierce the Veil. I don't really know any of the others' favorite bands. And there's one more band that I like, but nobody is allowed to know, you can't tell anybody. I'm also a pretty big fan of that band 5 Seconds of Summer.

Alice loves 5SOS. That's how I learned about them. From her. Her favorite is Luke, whereas I actually like Michael more. Not even Alice knows about my silly little crush. She doesn't even know that I like that band. I don't want her to know, because she might tell the guys and they think 5SOS is a preppy little boyband. They'll think I've gone soft. Which won't happen. I mean those Aussies are punk. But they're also pop. That's my dilemma.


Hey Guys! It's Kat. Okay, so if you guys have read The Blue Rose then you'd know I'm a pretty big fan of both One Direction and 5 Seconds of Summer. So don't be offended if it says something about them in this story. I don't think it will. The most it'll say is something that one of the guys said. Anyway, I really hope you guys like this story. The second chapter will be written by Harm, and then we're going to switch back and forth so yeah....

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