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Ida closed her eyes as she felt the soft texture of Sweet Pea's lips meet hers

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Ida closed her eyes as she felt the soft texture of Sweet Pea's lips meet hers. She pulled him closer by the neck as she opened her mouth to deepen the action. Sweet Pea gripped on her thigh tighter as he groaned in pleasure, slipping his tongue into her mouth, intertwining with hers.

He was in heaven. This was an indescribable feeling; this was what he was missing, craving, needing. Her lips.

He could hear her pant, he smirked proudly as he pulled away to look at her face. She was flushed red, with her lips somewhat swollen from the passionate kiss. He placed a hand on her cheek to caress. Ida turned her head till her mouth touched his fingers, she gave kisses on it before looking straight back to Sweet Pea. He gave a side smile as he was entranced with the sight, his thumb moved to her lips, rubbing the plump flesh. Ida gave a twinkling look of mischief as her tongue poked out to lick the finger.

Sweet Pea didn't stop her, he simply continued watching her, seeing her lick his finger, he slowly brought it to her mouth, pushing it it. Ida sucked the finger as she stared at him. Sweet Pea cursed, "shit." He removed his thumb from her mouth, earning a whine from Ida, he placed both hands under her butt as he carried her off the kitchen island.

Whilst trying to walk, Ida bent down to kiss Sweet Pea once more, Sweet Pea stumbled and moaned at her actions. He continuously made his way to, what he assumed bedroom. He lifted Ida up once again with one arm, trying to turn the doorknob. Ida giggled as she hummed, she brought her head down more to give him kisses on his neck, occasionally sucking and biting the flesh until they were red and dark.

Sweet Pea successfully opened the door and continued to carry her with both hands until he dropped her on her soft mattress. He climbed on top of her, and once again he was enchanted. She was just so beautiful, he could remember how he first glanced into her eyes when they first met at his Serpent initiation. And in that moment, he swore not only he would pledge his loyalty to the Southside Serpents, but to also her.

Ida brought him back to reality, "well what are you waiting for?"

Sweet Pea played with her hair, "am I not allowed to admire you?"

Ida rolled her eyes playfully, "you've been admiring me since you met me Sweets."

Sweet Pea could not deny that fact, he simply hummed as Ida felt their heated moment passed. She noticed his sweetness and softness came back, perhaps it was best for now. To allow him to just stay with her - after all she did leave him for two years.

She pulled Sweet Pea down, only to straddle his hips. Sweet Pea simply stared, as his hands traced patterns under her shirt. Ida bent down to give a peck before leaning against his chest, "Stay tonight."

Sweet Pea looked at the smaller girl on him, "is that an order?"

Sweet Pea moved one hand to her hair and ran his fingers through it. Ida could feel her eyes drooping, she muttered "yes it is."

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