Russian Roulette

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You & August had to do the Russian Roulette Test because you both got caught sneaking illegal drugs from Russia to the U.S.

If you don't know what a Russian Roulette Test is I'll tell you. This test in when their are two people & 1 gun. In that gun is one bullet out of 6 rounds. you have to put the gun to your head & pull the trigger. You never know when the bullets gonna hit you.

This imagine is based off Russian Roulette by Rihanna. Now on with the imagine.


Y/N: I'm scared August.

August: Ik baby but as long as we have eachother nothing else matters. I just want you remember that I love you.

*officer set the gun on the table*

Y/N: I love you too.

*August grabs the gun & put it to his head, looks at you the pulls the trigger. Nothing happens*

*You grab the gun & get scared. You look at August & start to cry*

August: Calm yourself. If you play you play for keeps.

*you put it to your head & pull the trigger. But nothing happens. You give the gun to Aug.*

*He takes his turn, but nothing happens. He gives the gun back you.You get scared again.*

August: say a prayer to yourself & close your eyes sometimes it helps.

*i pick up the gun and take my turn. but nothing happens so you give it back to August. He looks at the gun then you. He gets up & pecks your lips. Then sits back down.*

August: I love you. don't forget that. I always have & always will.

*Then he puts the gun to his head & looks at you. You look at him.*

Y/N: I love you too August forever & always.

* You say as you shead a tear. You take a deep breath & as soon as you let it out Aug pulls the trigger & the bullets kills him. You start to cry really hard.*

Y/N: I love you so much August. I'll be there with you soon.

*takes the officers gun & kill yourself*

Then you & August went to heaven & were together again.

August ALSINA imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now