Chapter 18: Rose is the Color of Romance

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"I'm scared of walking out of this room and never feeling the rest of my whole life the way I feel when I'm with you." ~Babe Houseman, Dirty Dancing

Hazel's POV

I've been asked out on a date. I'm also going to meet Theo's parents and his big sister. All in one day.

I wring my hands together and tap them against my thigh. I've been counting the minutes until Theo comes for me. For our date. Watching a movie.

Toby has been helping me get ready for this special occasion.

"You're sure that you don't want to put on any makeup?" I glare at him.

"If he really likes me, I'm sure makeup won't be a problem." Toby raises an eyebrow.

"Touchy aren't we?"

"I'm sorry." I can't put it into words. I have butterflies and my hands can't stop shaking. I don't know what to do because I've never been on a date before.

"You're nervous. It's natural." Toby hands me a pair of chilled blue One Stars and I manage to slip those on as he talks to me.

"You're meeting the parents as well, and that's a big step, but I wouldn't worry about it. They'll love you." I tap my fingers harder.

"What if I say the wrong thing? I do that all the time." Toby shakes his head and snorts.

"Hazel, you just have to be you. It doesn't matter if you say the wrong thing as long as you are polite and make sure to show who you are." He points to my heart.

"You are one of the kindest people that I know. As long as you show that you're a shoo-in."

The doorbell rings. I take a deep breath.

"Can you talk to him for a few minutes? I just need to calm my nerves." Toby nods, and before he can leave I wrap him in a hug. I'm not much for touch, but I'll make an exception this one time. His arms tighten around me and I can feel him exhale.

"Okay." I can hear him open the door, and I can hear Theo's voice on the other end.

I sit on the second step, wrapping my arms around myself, closing my head around my legs. My hands cover my ears and I sit there, hearing my heartbeat thrum throughout my body. I wait until it slows, taking a deep breath. I can do this.

I greet Theo at the door and he smiles at me with his Carolina eyes. I look to Toby, who flashes his marigold smile.

"You ready to go?" I nod my head.

We sit in his car for the second time, him in the driver's seat. I can't help but shiver at the sight of the wheel. Theo looks at me.

"Everything okay?" I nod and gulp, feeling everything close in. I close my eyes and lean against the seat, tapping my fingers. It's going to be okay.

Theo's finger's lace with mine. I startle, which makes him jump.

"Do you not want me to hold your hand?" I'm too shaken up to respond. I let him rub little circles over my thumb as he drives, and it takes everything in me to not tell him that he should have both hands on the wheel.

When his hand goes lower, rubbing my scar, I try to pull away. Instead of letting go Theo holds on tighter, rubbing the scar over and over again. Something in me likes the way his skin feels over mine. It's soothing in a way.

I don't try to pull away from his grip for the rest of the ride.

We're cloaked in the trees, and rain has started to fall. I can hear the thunder, see the lightning. The car flashes blue before my whole body rumbles from more thunder. We pull up to a house that looks more like a mansion, with a nice, clean car and another smaller one that looks like it's gone through a dust bowl.

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