Chapter 30: Oreo Cookie is the Color of the Snowfall

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"To appreciate the beauty of a snowflake it is necessary to stand out in the cold." ~Aristotle

(Couldn't find a proper color of what mixed snowfall looks like, so I found an adorable Oreo cookie character to represent the chapter). Also, A Sky Full of Blue is up to 4K reads!! I am so glad that so many people have taken the time to read through this; it's so important to me!! I'd also like to mention someone who has helped me understand Asperger's more, which has influenced my writing so much. kmw9799 , thank you for giving me the opportunity to enjoy writing this book even more.

*Listen to "Speechless" by Dan & Shay and "Without Me" by Halsey*

Hazel's POV

I watch the snowfall, keeping my head against the windowsill. Oreo cookie is the color of the snowfall as it drifts to the road. I watch as cars pass, mixing that once pure snow. Theo sits on my bed, arms sprawled, snoring softly. I chuckle at the sight before me, his mouth slightly ajar, arms and legs all over the place as he writhes in my covers.

I trace my finger over the cold glass, wondering about my decision. There was so much blood, and I was so close to death. I wanted to go outside to face that fear, and when I did, I didn't feel anything. I may have relived the memory, but I faced it head on, and made two snowmen with Theo.

I even made progress with getting Toby and Nita together.

I sigh, resting my head. I just wish that the emotions would be easier to deal with. I'm confused with myself more than ever since I heard Theo whisper that he loved me. For some reason, I can't find it in me to say it back. It brings me pain, but I don't know what to do with it.

I feel that if Theo decides to say the words to me directly, I will stay silent and it will hurt him.

I climb in next to him, feeling the warmth radiate from his body.

He got snowed in two days ago, and Toby has made sure to threaten him about his manhood many times. Although Theo has kept his distance, he still cuddles next to me when we're watching movies and sleeps in my bed.

Most times I'm too amazed by his sleeping form, and the heat from his body, to close my eyes. After all, he chose me, of all people.

I sigh, feeling him shift. I look into those Carolina eyes and I know I've fallen hard. I'm lost in them, and I have no clue how to get out.

"What are you thinking about?" Theo asks with a sleep-filled voice. His hair is ruffled and his cast brushes up against my arm as he props his arms under his head. He grunts, ready to have the cast off.

It's bad enough that it's a reminder of his drunken father, and it's even worse that he had to spend the last few weeks of soccer on the bench, even though you can play with a cast.

"Everything," I tell him. He leans over to me and kisses my cheek, pulling me close. His breath fans over my face, and I can tell that we're mere centimeters away from each other.

I blush, trying to pull away. He holds me tighter to him, squeezing my side. I let out a yelp, deciding that he doesn't need to know that I'm ticklish.

I see a glint in his eyes and I'm not sure that I like it.

"Does that," He squeezes my side again, "tickle, Hazel?" The smile on his face makes my insides flip, but I try to keep the smile at bay as I respond.

"No." It doesn't sound very convincing to me, and I know that he thinks the same.

He tickles me relentlessly, leaving me out of breath in seconds. He peppers my face with kisses as he does so, then buries his face in my neck, breathing in.

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