"I love you seoul"

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(February 2 2019)
(7 years later)
(4:25 Pm)
(Location- Seoul, Apartments)

(Taehyung is now 23, and lives with long time friend Youngjay,this is taehyungs apartment...the day they went to seoul after taehyungs parents wanted nothing to do with him,  they signed him off and tae was free to live amongst himself.  But the court suggested he work part time in order to keep his studies and finish school. Him and Youngjay had no issues since)

(Youngjay walks into the apartment,  he sets his keys on the table,  he is wearing a suit and tie)

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(Youngjay walks into the apartment,  he sets his keys on the table,  he is wearing a suit and tie)

Youngjay - hey tae.. Ugh.. Today was such a long day....

Taehyung - hey,  how was work? What was today's case?

Youngjay - it's classified. Tae.. Ugh.. Let me lay down for minute..

Taehyung - wow look at you..busy busy..jay..thanks for the help.. You really did keep your promise.  *smiles* 7 years together and we never failed to help each other.

Youngjay - indeed... H.. Hey what are you up to there?.

Taehyung- just doing pots.

Youngjay- still working on art I see. Nice. Two jobs and this?  Dude don't you ever get tired?

 Two jobs and this?  Dude don't you ever get tired?

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Taehyung - insomnia is a bust. But I always make time for art. You know that.  Haha.

Youngjay - yup... Whatever.. You keep shaping those dildos...i am on my way to relax and watch TV all day~

Taehyung - jay!...can you make plans or something. Remember what I told you? Don't tell me you forgot?.

Youngjay - forgot wha-..... Uhh really...

Taehyung - I told you about her Already she is coming over

Youngjay - ugh.  I can't stand that girl she is annoying..

Taehyung - that annoying girl happens to be my partner. Be nice please. it's been a year we've been dating.. I never once brought her here.

Youngjay - ugggggghhhhh.

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